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⊱ “Loneliness does not come from having no people around you, but from being unable to communicate the things that seem important to you.” - Carl Jung.

I still haven't found a useful way to organise my shitty lists.

laoise events (2024)
about me (just a really tall hobbit)
s 2024 (favorite songs june)
music (top artists of all time - (june 10, 2024))
moon television (watched)

❝We had tragedy in our veins, a thick coating of depressive blood that threatened to clot our existence. Just because the tragedy was there, though, didn't mean we had to live forever inside it. Wasting your time on sadness was for people denying that they had a fate. Everyone had a fate. It could start with tragedy; it could continue with tragedy, it could exist for years with tragedy. But it didn't have to end that way, and I think we realized that when we realized that tragedy didn't define us- it only made us find ourselves.❝ — Unknown

aug 11 2013 ∞
dec 18 2014 +