• Can I use your art for RP/Repost?: If you are a client/commissioned me you can post your commission wherever you want given you have permission! it must be the watermarked version though. I am not ok with strangers using my art/characters for RP purposes. Sorry!
  • What tools do you use to draw?:

For digital I use: -Medibang, Clip studio paint, Photoshop cs5 -Tablet is a Huion KAMVAS screen tablet. (you dont need fancy tech to make good art though! it just helps if anything!)

  • Were you self taught or did you have an education?

For the most part I am self taught, I taught myself how to draw in general and spent a lot of time trying to get education in animation, however the more I worked on animation and got deeper into it the more I realized it wasnt something I wanted to do, in concept I love animation, the history and the process maybe its something I will revisit in the future but there are some things I wanted to do more. However I did do very brief animation courses. although my style turned into something less stylized/fluid and more semi-realistic over time. still experimenting because Idk what I like more exactly. I might revisit. prev education: -The animation Academy burbank (2013-14) -Calarts temp program (2014)

  • Can I make a character similar to your character/fursona?

Please dont base characters/designs off my my characters it makes me uncomfortable despite me not taking them super seriously project wise they are still representitive of me in their own ways and mean a lot to me as silly as it sounds so I'd rather you not!

  • Are you going to be open for fursuit/cosplay commissions?

Currently, this is something I am slowly building on and educating myself on. Even though I am making very good progress I want to be 100 percent sure in my abilities (NOT TO MENTION FINANCIAL STABILITY BECAUSE DAMN. SUPPLY FOR THIS STUFF AND SFX IS VERY EXPENSIVE.) Before I start selling! Right now my side fursuit/cosplay biz is very much in the downlow and baby stages I expect to have a public page and shop running around late 2018+ (shhh)

  • Why are your commissions so expensive?

-My commissions are not actually that expensive. Currently I make minimum wage and have to support my partner and I. (he supports me too ofc lifes just expensive even with us working together) Its the job I have currently that is bringing me the support we need and I spend from hours to weeks on these pieces. I want to ensure best quality and it is quite a lot of work. Im not going to undersell myself, if you like an artists artwork then save up!

  • Why didnt you reply to my message/hello?

-As much as I want to I really dont know how to respond to simple messages sometimes. I feel like something started with a hello isnt going to really go anywhere especially if I dont know you very well. its nothing personal Im actually bad at socializing as is, I see a message like this and my brain just slams that off switch. even if you leave a thoughtful comment or a long one I deal with the same thing, I read everything and appreciate it but sometimes I just dont know what to say/get overwhelmed/am in a poor headspace at the moment and I mean to reply but if I dont its probably something as simple as I forgot. Most times I will respond in some way though!

  • Do you do free art?

Nah, even though I like the concept of making someone happy I just dont have the time/and if I ever even did have the time to draw something personal even Id want to spend time developing my own projects, building portfolios and drawing my own characters. since I dont really get to do so anyways all that much :c

  • Do you attend any conventions outside of canada?

Currently I cannot! once I am done with my immigration process I certainly can though!

  • will you be my friend?

Thats earned not given out willy nilly. I have very specific people I click with if I dont click with you its not a bad thing sometimes I can take years to warm up to people even if I know them well.

feb 19 2018 ∞
feb 19 2018 +