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anaïs. 26. intj. cancer. sex-crazed astrology queen.

“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.” - Mark Twain

listography NEW NEWS
  • 24 years old
  • evening person
  • eats flowers
  • can read anywhere
  • this comic
  • walks fast
  • dislikes unnecessary people, places, or things
  • interests — film / art / music / literature / poetry / journaling / Europe / space / photography / astrology / aesthetics / deeper meanings / science / history / philosophy / chemistry / sex / men / fashion / archaeology / geography / architecture / the 1970s (everything about this decade; people, places, music, and things)
  • agnostic
  • homebody
  • Thursday's child
  • child of the moon and Lilith
  • quite picky
  • have very few friends; i only consider 4 people on earth to be friends, everyone else is either an acquaintance, associate, enemy, or just passing through
  • abnormally quiet
  • introverted; very tired and unusually weary after social situations
  • diagnosed with social phobia/severe *social anxiety
  • diagnosed with clinical depression
  • sometimes really would just like to stay hidden away with a book
  • tendency to drift from reality
  • over-analyse everything
  • not a fan of the female of the species
  • practically falls in love with every man that makes eye contact with me
  • i tend to gravitate towards and hang around men; i either date them or they make up the majority of my friends
  • quite strong solipsistic tendencies
  • tea (rosegarden tea, green tea, peppermint tea)
  • slight difficulty expressing my feelings through artistic manners
  • always waiting for the arrival of a moment
  • can't be in a relationship because I dissect everything until it turns into nothing
  • wanting to stand out is very capitalistic of me
  • has a potential to lead a natural life, to enjoy pleasure and to love as simply as possible
  • has a strong attachment to homelike habits, family and other domestic elements
  • i am somewhat cold and agnostic to people and certain ideas
  • my key word for professional orientation is responsibility
  • appear cold, reserved and distrustful
  • my manners are rather discreet
  • have a flair of melancholy in her acts
  • have a conservative, sometimes gloomy and self-denying outlook on life
  • am rather detached and aloof (in order to be sure where I stand)
  • may feel awkward and prudish with others who appear to take things more lightly (which is quite hypocritical of me since I tend to take things lightly myself when it comes to others)
  • eager to participate in the development of a higher consciousness
  • a taker, not a giver
  • uses people to serve personal objectives
  • romanticism, expressionism, minimalism, existential nihilism
  • graduate in chemistry in the united states
  • reading, writing, listening to music
  • I don't trust too easily.
  • I push myself too hard some of the time.
  • I am a cynic.
  • I can never accept a compliment gracefully.
  • I come across as quite blunt in my manner of speaking.
  • I am insensitive to the feelings of others.
  • I am constantly frustrated with the inadequacies of others.
  • I am vain and conceited.
  • I expect too much of myself and other people.
  • I want the best for myself.
  • I am highly motivated to succeed.
  • I have a strong individualist compass (stronger than most).
  • I can negotiate myself into and out of any situation.
  • I speak concisely.
  • I am fully independent.
  • I am honest.
  • I see things for what they really are.
  • I am decisive.
  • I am a hard worker.
  • I am a fast learner.
  • I make decisions with my head, not my heart.
  • I have an astonishing memory.
  • I am logical.
  • I am a good judge of character.
  • I am loyal to the end.
  • I'm always anxious & I panic way too easily
  • I procrastinate too much. Usually in an attempt to avoid things that panic me
  • I have trouble switching "modes" and switching between activities
  • I stop talking. Completely. For extended periods of time. I mean wtf?
  • I argue or rant about stuff that happened a long time ago (not aloud, in my head)
  • I lie about stupid stuff
  • I'm socially retarded. I don't get jokes & I say inappropriate things.
  • I'm disorganized
  • I get really worried and stressed about random things that occur to me
  • I joke about things that really bother me
  • The first thing people notice about my personality is that I'm quietly quick-witted. I have an odd sense of humor, but most people find me funny.
  • I consider myself a nihilist. There is no point to life and most people are too stupid and self-absorbed to realize how precious life is.
  • I believe that people are inherently bad, no matter how nice or friendly they are, and as such, I can't trust them. I'm optimistic about opportunities and intangible things, but I've been hurt too many times to form real relationships with people.
    • One of my boyfriends once pointed out that I get really surprised when people are nice to me when I meet them.
  • I do try to be friendly to others while never putting trust or emotional investment into relationships. Because of this, according to my friends, I'm really enigmatic and aloof.
  • I'm a visual person and I love finding new ways to express myself, whether it's through sex, art, music, or writing. I find that manipulating words is the best way to do that.
  • If I want something, I'll do everything in my being to achieve it. *I'm open-minded, yet outspoken and opinionated. I have beliefs that I feel very strongly about, yet I don't see the need to tune others out, because their beliefs are different than mine. I like learning and expanding my mind, and I believe that knowledge is power.
  • I'm a restless and adventurous spirit. I'm never satisfied with my circumstances and I feel like there's always something more for me out there. I'm an ambitious person and I work hard.
  • I am very independent. I appreciate my differences, enjoy being alone, am secretive about my life, and live for my autonomy. I don't like restrictions or conformity.
  • When it comes to love, I need to feel loved almost all the time.
  • I may not have the same morals as everyone else, but that doesn't mean I don't have respect for myself. I refuse to let people walk all over me.
  • I'm kind of a hermit. I like hanging out with my friends, but I can't stand being around people for long periods of time. I don't go out of my way to make friends, which is probably why most people find me intimidating.
  • I somehow manage to be both really pretentious and self-deprecating. This tends to be kind of grating for most people. *I won't lie; I'm self-centered, manipulative, capricious, and judgmental.
  • I'm loyal to the people I love and will do anything for them, but I am notorious for holding grudges and not giving second chances.
  • For as long as I can remember, I've always struggled with anxiety and depression.
  • I find peace when you are able to escape a little. getting outside of myself helps you find perspective.
  • I'm good at it, but tbh, I find focusing a challenge. My mind tends to wander to the strangest places.
  • I'm easily inspired, and you are often thinking of something interesting.
  • I'm a very grounded, responsible, and realistic person. People may not want to hear the truth from me, but they're going to get it.
  • I'm tough but tender. logical but emotional.
  • I crave the feeling of wind on my face...and total freedom.
feb 15 2017 ∞
may 16 2018 +