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anaïs. 26. intj. cancer. sex-crazed astrology queen.

“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.” - Mark Twain

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A compilation of things I just plain don't like.

  • Women, in general.
  • Moody people.
  • Childish people.
  • Sensitive people.
  • I have weird quirks when it comes to writing, even in text. For instance, I hate it when people type “u” instead of “you”, it reminds me of some ignorant fucking high school girl writing a note or something. "You" really isn't that hard to type of spell, it's only 3 fucking letters...I use “haha/lol” when something is genuinely funny and I tend to use “lmao/lmfao” when I’m being ironic/sarcastic and it’s in response to a stupid question or someone’s trying to manipulate me. Or I don’t like/respect the person asking me a question. It all depends. As far as how quickly I respond, it all depends on my schedule, first and foremost, but I usually respond quicker with my parents, older brother, and friends more than I would anyone else in the real world. When I’m on here with you people, I respond faster if you’re not on anon, you’re respectful, you ask/tell me something actually fun, important, pertinent, and interesting; I take my time with everyone else, if I even bother to respond to them at all.
  • Wrong way round toilet paper. It's got to be over. If it's not, I'll change it.
  • Grown men who use emoticons. Especially emoticons with noses. Where is the need for that?!
  • Child geniuses like Kim Ung-yong was. What I feel is partly annoyance and partly a crushing devastation which makes me physically sick upon realizing that, in comparison, I'm about 8000 years behind in evolution. The wee bastard.
  • Audiophiles. If the music is good then it will sound good no matter how crappy the audio quality is. Pretentious gits.
  • People who volunteer in 3rd world countries. Take the money you've spent on flights, insurance, immunizations and gear and mail it to the people instead. These are some of the most overpopulated countries in the world, they do NOT need your help to build schools. They need your money. Try volunteering in your own country; that's where you're needed the most.
  • The words "swag" and "bae".
  • The movie Juno. It's one of those try-too-hard-to-be-hipster films that I so strongly despair over. What makes this film worse is that not one of the characters seems real and none of them are even likeable. They're all try-too-hard-to-be-quirky-and-down-with-the-kids. Sort of like that teacher that everyone had at high school who was just trying too hard to be cool it just ended up being kind of awkward.
  • Today's music and all award shows in general - insipid, inane and idiotic. Pretty much sums up society and the nation.
  • These 13 year old children whining about how awesome Queen were and how much they want to live in the seventies and "modern music sucks" is what they assert. They have this scary nostalgia for a time before they were even born. How is that even possible? But until the end of time people will look back with rose-tinted glasses and moan about the state of music today. It will ALWAYS happen. In 2030 children will be complaining (to their android as it cleans their bedroom) that they wish they could have been alive 20 years ago to witness the majesty of Ne-Yo. Yes, I swear this will happen.
  • Incorrect pronunciation of foreign words. Also, when I hear people say that they had a panini for lunch. Surely you mean a panino?
  • The fact that police are corrupt. I've seen this first hand many times and it's just not right.
  • In bathrooms where the hand-towel is higher than elbow level. This means that drips will run down my sleeve.
  • Bad grammar.
  • Teenagers. Even when I technically was also a teenager.
  • When people say they have OCD. I really don't like that. I am a neat and tidy person who likes things to be organized but that doesn't mean I have OCD. It means I am a neat and tidy person who likes things to be organized...It just annoys me that people don't understand this disorder properly.
  • Actually I can't stand people self-diagnosing mental illnesses full-stop. You don't have depression, you're just lazy and suffer from a lack of concentration.
  • When lecturers admit that they don't really know what they're talking about. This is the point where I consider leaving University all together. If the people who are predicted to win a Nobel prize for this subject don't understand it then how in the hell am I meant to?!
  • Ignorance about geography outwith ones own country.
  • When people don't hold the door for me despite the fact that I'm right behind them.
  • When people do hold the door for me despite the fact that I'm about three miles behind them thus forcing me to run to relieve them faster.
  • Taxi drivers who try to start conversations. If I was in the mood then I'd have said something. Same goes for hairdressers.
  • Beyoncé. Her voice, her songs, everything about her makes me want to burn my ears off! She's an imbecilic, fake, arrogant, conniving, attention-seeking opportunist with a serious superiority complex who paid her way to where she is and have people constantly kissing her ass. I can't wait until the tide turns on her.
  • Jay-Z. He's such a self-important and oblivious asshole.
  • Blue Ivy. That's gonna be a spoiled rotten brat. Look at the parents...
  • Justin Timberlake. Disrespectful and overrated.
  • Halle Berry. An overrated, mediocre slut. And must be a horrid person if her own sister is estranged from her; going through men like a fat kid goes through cake, with one of them having to beat her ass he couldn't stand her so much. I feel sorry for her kids. Especially the daughter.
  • Zoe Saldana, another mediocre overrated bitch.
  • When I've bought something in a shop and the sales assistant gives me the receipt and the notes change in my palm and then plants the coins change on top of this. What do I do? How do they expect me to handle this situation? When I've got coins sliding around in my hand and there's a queue building behind me what do I do? I just shove everything into a pocket and sort it out later. Hardcore shoppers require full co-operation to get our job done quickly and efficiently. Curses on those sales assistants. Curses.
  • Tourists I find abroad who make no effort whatsoever to speak the language.
  • Split-ends.
  • "Photographers" who are actually just hipsters with cameras.
  • Music snobs.
  • Really loud people who are obviously making overly obnoxious statements to try to get a reaction out of anyone who might be listening in.
  • Pro-life campaigners. Especially the ones who have never been pregnant. It's just a classic example of backwards, conservative thinking.
  • Feminism. I went to a debate about this and all I learned was the most feminists don't actually understand the basic ideas that they say they believe in. They also seem to overlook scientific fact and pick on the most obscure of cultural details. What does this gain anyway?
  • People who say they like "The Catcher in the Rye", "Go Ask Alice", "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" etc because they think it's cool. Attention: It's not. It's pathetic.
  • Hallowe'en. What was once a quaint Celtic tradition has now become this overblown commercialized institution over here in the USA.
  • The confusion between "many" and "much", "less" and "fewer" etc.
  • When I'm driving at night and I'm going up a hill and another car is approaching the hill from the other side. I always dip my headlights before he comes into sight but for SOME reason, the other guy will wait until he's come over the hill and partially blind me before dipping his stupid headlights. Ahhh!!
  • People that park next to my car in an empty or sparsely populated parking lot. With all the parking spaces available, you're really gonna park next to me? Really? Especially if said vehicle is an SUV or some long-ass truck.
  • Reality TV. Is it just me or is this NOT a good representation of reality?
  • The type of people who shop at Topshop. Yep, I'm putting them all into one box and labeling it. They are awful, awful people. They probably, also, watch Skins. Yeah, I went there.
  • Skins. So seriously shit I cannot believe so many people watch it. There is absolutely nothing real in it at all.
  • Congestion.
  • Those who rave about having a "Gay Best Friend". I can see the practical advantages but someone's sexuality should not determine how you value them, whichever way the bias swings.
  • Fat people who can't dress for their shape. Short skirts and knee high boots is only a good look if you're 6ft and 8st.
  • Arguments in the comments section of youtube videos. I am ashamed to admit to living on the same planet as these morons.
  • Following on from the above point, those kids who post comments on youtube along the lines of "you say you hate this video but yet you bothered to search youtube for it and then watch it". Is it at all possible that the haters were curious and watched the video because they'd never seen it before and then used the comment section to voice their opinion? Where does it say that the comments section is for nice comments only?
  • Blisters.
  • When someone sees me coming out of a cubicle in a public toilet and still goes to use it even if there are many other cubicles free which have not JUST been used...I find that a little creepy if I'm being honest.
  • Australian accents.
  • American English (although I love most Southern accents). It seems dumb and common. My British pa's influence is slowly wearing off on me as referenced to the fact that I'm beginning to use it inadvertently.
  • Putting the milk in before the teabag. Who would do this? It's never right! With coffee the milk needs to go in first however, this is important.
  • Televangelists, although a few of them are actually entertainig...
  • The MASH theme song.
  • Hypochondriacs.
  • Fluorescent lighting. Makes everything look stark and sterile and makes your skin look terrible.
  • Cankles.
  • The kids on "My Super Sweet Sixteen". Or any 16 year old who gets a party that costs more than most people's yearly salaries and then complains about it.
  • Slow walkers.
  • Small talk. I'd rather not say anything at all.
  • Child beauty pageants. A 5 year old girl should not know how to act sexy, flirt or wear fake teeth.
  • Shaving. Someday I will save up for laser hair removal.
  • Hangnails.
  • Sorority chicks.
  • The dominating two-party political system in the U.S. Vote for someone based on their qualifications not their party affiliation.
  • Propaganda.
  • Religious extremists.
  • Forgetting what I was going to say.
  • Jealousy.
  • Collagen-injected lips. Or overdone plastic surgery procedures, in general.
  • Having my picture taken. I'm quite unphotogenic.
  • This age of instant gratification. No one has patience anymore.
  • Paying bills and taxes.
  • Trying on clothes.
  • Clingy people.
  • People wearing sunglasses indoors.
  • People having extremely loud cell phone conversations in public places.
  • When my foot falls asleep.
  • Ratty flip-flops. And flip-flops, period, on males.
  • Screaming/overly-giggly pre-pubescent girls.
  • Skin breakouts.
  • Misshapen bras. Due to time spent in the washing machine/dryer.
  • Being rushed.
  • Dreadlocks (unless they're neat and nicely done).
  • Being underestimated.
  • Proactiv commercials. Those people have never had true acne a day in their lives.
  • Weak handshakes.
  • People who refer to themselves in the third person.
  • Hearing a recording of my voice. Or seeing myself on video. It's just always disconcerting because it's never how I see or hear myself.
  • Breathing water through your nose accidentally.
  • Sticker residue.
  • When something I've liked for a long time becomes overexposed and trendy. I guess this is cliche, but it's so true, isn't it?
  • Obnoxious, overt displays of wealth. "Bling bling".
  • Razor burn.
  • Peeing in a cup. It's about time someone invented something to make this easier and less messy for women.
  • Drinking right next to someone else at a water fountain. Maybe it's just me but I always feel awkward.
  • The expression "YOLO"
  • The expression, "It is what it is."
  • Stubbing my toe.
  • Waiting rooms.
  • Swingers/"Open" relationships.
  • Humidity.
  • Being put on speaker phone.
  • People who say they "hate kids". Everyone was one once. And I just think it must take a really cold-hearted person to dislike something so innocent.
  • Teachers who force participation. I grew up with severe social anxiety problems and going to class with teachers like this was the equivalent of hell.
  • Internet celebrities/internet drama.
  • Celebrity obsession, in general. I can't get enthralled with someone whom I A) Don't know. and B) is just doing their job as an entertainer.
  • This whole "FML" phenomenon. And how people use it when the most minor of things happen to them. I've used it several times before and I'm officially over it.
  • Bad graffiti. Scrawling your cryptic tag name in fat sharpie marker on someones freshly painted wall or scribbling a huge penis on children's playground equipment is just ugly and not cool.
  • Dirty dishes left in the sink.
  • Ingrown hairs.
  • When there's litter in the vicinity of a trash can. * Litter, in general.
  • Fad diets
  • How it's trendy/"hot" for two completely heterosexual girls to kiss each other whilst drunk at parties. Because they think it will cause the male persuasion to think they're cool and/or attractive?
  • Getting the wind knocked out of you.
  • Rush hour.
  • When you take off your pants/jeans and your socks accidentally come off too.
  • Cops who abuse their power.
  • This growing trend against monogamy/commitment.
  • Technology gives us more and easier access to other people and this, in turn, causes people to become bored with one another quickly, always looking for "something new".
  • Man-purses.
  • College textbook prices. The price of college in general. It's difficult to get a high-paying job without college but they make it damn near impossible for someone who isn't from a wealthy background to get in to college. Go figure.
  • How even the most crude, disgusting, moronic, awful men still think they deserve a woman who is society's "perfect 10" and put down women who don't meet their inane standards. And vice versa.
  • When people decide they don't want something in a store and just leave it in a random place instead of putting it back where it belongs. As a former retail employee at Target, I can tell you that I LOVED finding a pack of crayons among the frozen foods...
  • When you're in a crowded parking lot and you think you've found a parking spot only to realize it's just a tiny car.
  • Leaving people alone in my house/room. It makes me paranoid. I hate the thought of someone going through my things.
  • Watching sex scenes in movies with someone else other than a man I'm interested in. I'm fine watching them on my own or with a guy, but watching them in the company of others makes me uncomfortable.
  • When you get kinks in a hose and it impedes the water flow. Ugh, I guess I just hate hoses.
  • Tangled jewelry chains.
  • People who say they "love" Harry Potter and/or Lord of the Rings but have only seen the films. Ugh, call it snobbish but this really gets me. You are missing out on SO much! read, Read, READ!
  • When people are unnecessarily rude/mean and excuse their behavior as just "being real".
  • When people use the handicap motorized carts at the grocery store simply because they're overweight.
  • When you tear off a sheet of plastic wrap and it sticks to itself. This goes for duct tape as well.
  • Straight-to-DVD movies.
  • Hair extensions.
  • "Sexting".
  • Urban sprawl.
  • Auto-tune.
  • Anonymous/Cyber bullying. And not-so-anonymous/real-life bullies. Fuck yourselves with a chainsaw, please. Thanks.
  • Guidos. And how overly-tanned and hair-gelled booze hounds from New Jersey call themselves "Italian" or think they represent real Italian culture in any way.
  • When people get covered in tattoos as soon as they turn 18. I love tattoos and the art of tattooing but when you go out and get tattoos on your neck and hands as soon as you're of age, it's just foolish. You are still a kid, you have no idea what you're going to do with your life.
  • Hummers. And any other obnoxiously and unnecessarily large automobiles.
  • Being uncomfortably full.
  • The phrase, "No homo".
  • The Real Housewives of "Insert county/state/region here".
  • The stigma against pit-bulls. And other bully breed dogs. They are WONDERFUL dogs no more prone to aggression than any other dog. It's how they are RAISED.
  • Engagement photos.
  • People who misuse and trash books.
  • Crust on my sandwiches.
  • Chocolate milk that is actually regular milk and chocolate syrup mixed together. YOU CAN'T FOOL ME.
  • People who quote themselves on their Facebook. Oh, okay, Socrates.
  • People who don't tip.
  • Writer's block.
  • The fact that it seems like every book is being turned into a movie nowadays.
  • Bad design choices.
  • When an article has a really bad headline.
  • Guys in untailored suits. My only fashion pet peeve.
  • When animals get hurt/die in movies AND in real life.
  • 95% of teen novels.
  • Streets without bike lanes.
  • People who chew gum/food like cows. (Bonus points if you can hear the saliva in their mouth. Barf.)
  • When someone addresses me familiarly. Especially if we're not close.
  • People who are chronically late.
  • Styrofoam.
  • Jeans without pockets.
  • People who care way too much about what other people do.
  • People who don't even know you when they call you darling, hun, sweetie, etc. especially when you're arguing with them.
  • People who say that they're "fluent in sarcasm". omg you're sooo witty and clever! Why can't I be a sly fox like you?!?
  • When people invite themselves somewhere they weren't invited to.
  • People who don't read books (and are proud of it)
  • When people talk during movies/shows.
  • Getting into fights on the internet. Never worth it.
  • People in college who still act like they're in high school.
  • When people only do stuff because it makes them look like a good person instead of actually being a good person.
  • People who are obsessed with zombie apocalypses.
  • People who say they hate their parents because they're "annoying" and "mean". No witty commentary for this, because that's just really sad. At least you have parents...
  • Fandoms. Most of them really weird me out, and they pride themselves on the dumbest things.
  • When people don't leave me alone after the first ten minutes of being awake.
  • People who take or touch my food without asking.
  • People who touch me, period.
  • Being sick.
  • People who are genuinely not interested in enriching themselves.
  • How most history classes only show one side of an event/portray the US as this mythologized land of beauty and equality.
  • Commercialism, capitalism, conventionalism, materialism and conformity.
  • Racism/colorism
  • The American school system.
  • Many aspects of mainstream culture.
  • Jennifer Lawrence's persona/personality.
  • When I'm privately writing or typing and someone leans over my shoulders the whole time.
  • When my neighbors yell, blast music, and slam there doors at 1-5 in the morning.
  • When someone justifies their rude or arrogant remarks with "I'm just being honest".
  • When someone tries to wake me up in the morning by taking the covers and turning the lights on.
  • When people do or say things just for the sake of making themselves appear "special".
  • People who have kids they can't take care of or raise properly, people who get pets when they treat them like crap (or don't research how to take proper care of them before hand), people who get multiple abortions and still can't figure out how to use protection, and just irresponsible people in general.
  • Pregnant women who smoke and over-drink.
  • When someone I hate touches me.
  • Being touched in the face, unless you're my man.
  • Unnecessarily loud noises!!!
  • People who think they're entitled to things when they hardly work for stuff themselves.
  • When I'm trying to keep to myself and someone next to me just keeps looking me right in the eyes for awkward periods of time...
  • When people keep suggesting foods to me when I say I'm not hungry.
  • When people call me things like "Sweety" and "Honey" and etc. If you're not my boyfriend, don't get cutesy with me.
  • People who engage in double standards; specifically those who think liberty only applies to things they personally agree with.
  • People who pretend to like things to look cool and act like they're experts on the subject, but don't know the first thing about it.
  • Being forced to be around people for long periods of time.
  • Generalizations, cliches and stereotypes.
  • Big egos.
  • Disrespect.
  • Arguing.
  • Being left out.
  • Losing friends.
  • Control freaks.
  • When a good book ends
feb 16 2017 ∞
apr 26 2017 +