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anaïs. 26. intj. cancer. sex-crazed astrology queen.

“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.” - Mark Twain

listography NEW NEWS
  • I never say something if I don't mean it.
  • I can't lie well. My conscience is too heavy.
  • Not showing your emotions doesn't mean you're heartless or don't love. Besides, too much demonstration can seem meaningless or at least doesn't especially mean you care.
  • I'm not comfortable with myself, so I don't open as much as I should to others, and I feel like people don't get me right.
  • I like to consider my self simple and uncomplicated, but in reality, I'm way too complicated.
  • I'm quite picky.
  • I overthink and analyze every situation.
  • I'm a Cancer. And it's cliché to say that but I'm a homebody.
  • I hate risk and I hate feeling that every choice I make could be the wrong decision. If it was possible I'd like to see both sides and then make my choice. But it wouldn't be life otherwise. And that's why I love it.
  • I'm unforgiving, and I never forget.
  • I'd like to look through the windows of Parisian apartments, seeing the interior, imagining the cocoon in which total strangers live.
  • Everyday before I turn off the light, I read a book. Even if it's only for ten minutes. I'm upset if I don't read some pages.
  • I don't like sleeping somewhere else than in my own bed.
  • I have expensive tastes, I admit it, but I'm always looking for simplicity.
  • I may complain about it but it's when I have a billion things to do that I feel the most alive.
  • I have an addiction to bags and lingerie.
  • I like filling this list. It makes me wonder about who I am :)
  • I secretly wish (though it's not a secret anymore) a guy will someday learn about all this stuff by himself and love me for those little things that define my personality.
  • Best places/moments for a good cry : right before falling asleep or in the shower.
  • I take hot showers. And while the water is really hot, I like to lean back against the cold tiled wall above the bathtub.
  • I am always uncomfortable around my fellow human beings
  • I am an introvert
  • I am lazy
  • I don't like to talk to strangers, especially on the phone
    • I'm not overly fond of talking to people I do know, either.
  • I hate clutter and messy or dirty spaces
  • I hate fast-paced working environments
  • I have an even temper until someone goes too far with me, then I can be downright inhumane.
  • I have dealt with social anxiety almost my entire life
  • I have never wanted children...which is a good thing, because I shouldn't have them
  • I ignore my problems by daydreaming or reading books or going online and making extensive, pointless lists
  • I like to be alone
  • I like to be organized
  • I love life in general, but hate my life
  • I should have been born a bird
  • I was raised on Christianity, but have grown up to be an agnostic atheist
  • I work much better by myself
  • In being a "team player", I do what I have to do and I do my fair share, but I'll do a much better job and do it much more efficiently if I can do my share on my own.
  • I absolutely despise people who can't own up to a mistake. Even if you didn't know you were doing something wrong at the time you did it, you still need to apologize. Otherwise, you just look (and are) worthless, stupid, and childish.
feb 16 2017 ∞
apr 26 2017 +