Aries (21 March - 20 April)

1st decan: until the 5th and after the 26th of April, you will still have desires, desires, a burst of ardor. Your dreams of the moment are not pure fantasies but it will still surely wait until the beginning of May to realize them. 2nd decan: until April 11, do not be too tormented (or destabilize) by the few shadows of your loves and try to rationalize. And if all this makes you morose, think of something else! 3rd decan: changing the air, surfing the unforeseen wave, breaking habits, finding new heads or making only yours will seem obvious between April 10 and 20. You would put a kick in what is established, just to see the effect produced. After the 20th, you have the right to sulk privacy because Mercury will make you more sociable. More extroverted than "cocooning with the darling", you could (for example) take the powder of scamp and party.

Business Ambiance

1st decan: bet without complex on the period from 22 to 30 April! A very motivating project (perhaps in a team) will then arouse your interest and you will not hesitate to press on the accelerator. Mars in the stimulating sign of Gemini is like that and animation is guaranteed. 2nd decan: until April 11, slight doubts, lack of confidence in you or faculties to see the glass only half empty. A little pessimism can disrupt you, because the Sun and Pluto will look at each other. You lose support or you do not get the odds. It is not because you do not feel approved that you have to sulk! Pleasing or displeasing should not be a priority in business. 3rd decan: between April 10th and 20th, you will be a little swollen, you will want to shine, you will not lack audacity and nothing says that you will not gain a few braids to take risks. Nevertheless, make sure you have your back. After the 20th of April, the vivacity of your contacts and of the air of the time will undoubtedly fire at this end of month. Do not give up anything that is new and put yourself forward as soon as you can! Uranus and Mercury bring originality in views and brilliant in ideas. But still avoid verbal slippages.

Taurus (20 April - 21 May)

1st decan: complicity surely at the top, complementarity in priority. You have everything to hope when it comes to understanding you and understanding each other. We must have common interests so that this April is really interesting. These are certainly the most material aspects of your relationship that will occupy you this month. 2nd decan: if the things of the heart scarcely touch you, it is because the amorous planets do not really speak to you. The heart can wait and it does not necessarily make you less tender. 3rd decan: this month, you would be right to boost the emotion, with magnanimous gestures or beautiful attentions. The hour is devoted to the beautiful demonstrations of sharing and generosity (Venus in Pisces oblige ...). Do you have some big decisions to make or a commitment to seal? In any case and between April 12 and 22, the Mars-Venus accord will breathe passion and a full of love for the best. Romantic episodes, romantic moments or marvelous loves are the pledges of success of a Venus-Mars tandem (sometimes) idyllic. Business Ambiance

1st decan: no decision will be taken quickly and it is your strength of the moment (until April 20). Mercury (long in your sign) brings to reflection, caution and weighting in everything. Mercury can also make you an outstanding negotiator. You have many assets in hand to express yourself, convince and find solutions. 2nd decan: until April 9th, the determination will pay and this beginning of month commits you to launch a challenge or to defend your positions towards and against any opposition. Enjoy insurance that can make you score points, create the momentum that you lacked before, surf a wave of emulation that will boost motivation! The planets are with you and guarantee you that you are on the right track. 3rd decan: between the 8th and the 21st of April, trace straight ahead, raise your sleeves, do not spare your mount and you will have done the hardest! "We have nothing without nothing" and this is exactly what suggests the presence of Mars in your sign. Perseverance and tenacity are the qualities that will then be demanded of you. Do not hesitate to take on new responsibilities, gain courage and confidence!

jul 10 2017 ∞
jul 10 2017 +