1st decan: until April 5th but especially after the 26th, you are enthusiastic about everything and nothing, as long as you can vibrate. Days made to crunch the cake of the heart with teeth. Meanwhile, it may sizzle on communication with the beloved and complicity will be difficult to settle (Mercury in Taurus obliges ...). It is not a period to shine by your adaptability or your good faith: quickly find the same wavelength and catch up with the thread of the agreement! 2nd decan: maybe a bit overwhelmed by events (until April 9th), you do not master all your reactions. Nothing serious (or good) but this is the beginning of a month that can make you in a difficult mood ... to live. 3rd decan: between the 10th and the 30th of April and if you have a nice idea, change it instantly in amusing reality! Bubble up these days by bouncing back in time. Smile to life and enjoy opportunities to have fun. Any nice idea would be in the good plans of this rather exciting sky. Improve, create surprise (or event), do nothing as usual and the deal will be (yet) a little more crazy! After the 21st, your life may be so "tangy" globally that the heart could pass into second place, without causing you any problem. Have fun: this will be the main thing at the end of the month!

1st decan: until the 20th of April, you will not be in good humor and this will make you from time to time "door of prison". Perhaps you should be more cooperative. Make your peace of mind, put the soft pedal on the discussions, give them more often reason and you will succeed in managing the syndrome of the overhang (which risks to undermine you until April 20)! Do not attack (these days) a delicate negotiation! Be more flexible, more listening. After the 21st, it moves, the energy circulates well, the ambient emulation is motivating, the exchanges are productive. Mars in Gemini will give you ideas and the desire to make them happen. If you do not scatter too much, this end of the month will be all bonus. 2nd decan: until April 9th, here is another land ... heavy. Do not ruminate for too long the inconvenience and think "self control" on any occasion: aggressiveness is by no means a solution! Do not be too picky (these days). You could cash in for a while and then explode out of time (because Mars in Taurus makes you easily see red). 3rd decan: between the 8th and the 20th of April, do not let a little nothing put you in all your states or spoil the relevance of your fights. Place your beautiful energy wisely, without going "live" anywhere! "To do with" should be your good resolution of the moment. In front of a Lion in phase of hyper susceptibility, one can only walk on eggs. Try not to give in to the temptation of taunts, small provocations or other conflicts! After the 20th, bounce on the events, break the rhythm, innovate, change everything! Stay on course for any change or bold collaboration! Moving, innovation and original ideas will have the wind in their sails. Open your eyes to new issues! Nothing will be as usual (if you decide) then let yourself be drunk by a more than friendly tempo!

Virgin (23 August - 23 September) Heart side

1st decan: surely nothing particularly exciting or spectacular: only serene sentimental perspectives, those which bring back to the peace of the soul and which rest the hearts. 2nd decan: nothing very specific in the sky this month regarding the heart. You will surely have other cats to whip and your loves of the moment do not risk to mark you. 3rd decan: this month, Venus goes down again in Pisces, looks at Saturn for a long time and is not in your camp. This can generate some small complications. Uncertainties or emotional concerns make your position uncomfortable and can cause a bout of black mood. Do not take any risks in your attachments of the moment. Feelings are likely to be your Achilles' heel: your heart will not be at the party and you would even rather head to loves that may not be worth the detour. You will mostly feel disillusioned. Business Ambiance

1st decan: until April 20, you will know very well where you will put your feet and your head well done will help you to go directly in the direction of your interests. The contracts will be blessed by the gods and you will undeniably have a flair in business. After the 21, overbooked time or stress of hell: the tempo is likely to accelerate to better hinder any attempt to coordination or consultation. Try to control the course of events so as not to let you overflow!

jul 10 2017 ∞
jul 10 2017 +