I found 472 pictures I took this February and March. Sudden nostalgia. I had just ended a very long relationship. Things in our suite, of ten girls and assorted male secondary roles, were socially consonant. I remember I was fucking sad, but at least I captured happy faces. I was slightly hopeful. Here's what those pictures make me miss.

  • friends literally the room next to you. need someone to watch a nerdy, obscure, decades-old sci-fi/fantasy British comedy with? bam, Megan and Jamie.
  • people would gather in the hall. just stand and talk. everyone was mostly equal; at least, no significantly older or younger people. just thinking about how much more social I was then makes me antsy now. I want to be out doing things, talking, walking around, laughing. I have my asleep dog and laundry to fold instead. same food to eat. no one to tell my damn dirty jokes too, at least not anyone I can just shout down the hall to.
  • instant grocery store/dining hall/arb walk/drinking buddy! feel hella loner for doing something by yourself? choose amongst nine other dashing young misses! lonely excursions/friday nights no more.
jul 23 2012 ∞
sep 10 2012 +