- abasement: (archaic) to lower physically
- abulia: an absence of willpower or an inability to act decisively, as a symptom of mental illness
- acersecomic: a person whose hair has never been cut
- acronychal: something happening in the evening or at nightfall
- anathema: a formal curse by a pope or a council of the Church, excommunicating a person or denouncing a doctrine; something or someone that one vehemently dislikes
- appositeness: very appropriate; suitable for the occasion or situation
- batrachomyomachy: a petty quarrel; derived from the Batrachomyomachia, a comic parody of the Iliad involving frogs and mice
- badinage: playful repartee; banter
- beetling: to make one's way hurriedly or with short, quick steps
- biblioclasm/libricide: the practice of destroying, often ceremoniously, books or other written material
- bouleversement: an inversion, esp. a violent one; an upset or upheaval; turmoil
- cliometrics: the systematic application of economic theory, econometric techniques, and other formal or mathematical methods to the study of history
- cabotage: trade or navigation in coastal waters, or, the exclusive right of a country to operate the air traffic within its territory
- cacodemonomania: those mentally ill persons who believe they are possessed by, or in contact with, evil spirits or Satan himself
- coeval: a term used in anthropology to refer to the attribute of being both contemporary and simultaneous or synchronous
- dactylion: a noun that refers to the tip of the middle finger; a condition of complete or partial webbing of the fingers
- Denn die Todten reiten Schnell: "For the dead travel fast."
- embrasure: the outward splay of a window or arrow slit on the inside
- empiric: a person who, in medicine or other branches of science, relies solely on observation and experiment
- enantiodromia: a principle introduced by Carl Jung that the superabundance of any force inevitably produces its opposite
- fanfaronade: arrogant or bashful talk
- fossicking: a term found in Cornwall, Australia, and New Zealand to refer to prospecting
- glair: a preparation made from egg white, especially as an adhesive for bookbinding and gliding
- hamartia: a fatal flaw leading to the downfall of a tragic hero or heroine
- hapax legomenon: a word that occurs only once within a context, either in the written record of an entire language, in the words of an author, or in a single text
- hemidemisemiquaver: a sixty-fourth note
- illachrymable: incapabale of weeping
- infandous: unspeakable; too odious to be expressed or mentioned
- jettatura: a curse of the evil eye, whereby all that the cursed looks upon will suffer bad luck
- lacuna: an unfilled space or interval
- leptosome: a person with a small bodily frame and a slender physique
- logorrhea: an excessive flow of words, prolixity
- monocoque: a structural approach that loads through an object's external skin, similar to a ping-pong ball or an eggshell
- montivagant: wandering over the hills and mountains
- mortmain: the status of lands or tenements held inalienably by an ecclesiastical or other corporation
- noegenesis: a scheme for the production of knowledge including three processes: observation; discovery of relations; and the bringing of mind or the creation of ideas that stand in a given relation to given ideas
- osculate: to kiss
- obliquity: deviation from moral rectitude or sound thinking
- obsequious: too eager to help or obey someone important
- obviate: remove (a need or difficulty)
- octroi: a tax levied in some countries on various goods entering a town or city
- ostentiferous: that which brings monsters or strange sights
- paracosm: a detailed, prolonged imaginary world created by a child that includes human, animal, or alien creations
- psithurism: the sound of the wind through the trees
- pablum: bland or insipid intellectual fare, entertainmeny
- ptomaine: any of a group of amine compounds of unpleasant taste and odor formed by putreyfying animal and vegetable matter formerly thought to cause food poisoning
- pleniopotentiary: of, or relating to, a person invested with full power to transact any business
- phosomania: an obsession with light; an obsession with objects which emanate light
- pogonotrophy: the cultivation of one's beard
- presage: something that foreshadows or portends a future event
- prodigious: (archaic) unnatural or abnormal
- pycnic: a broad, squat, fleshy physique with a large chest and abdomen
- pygalgia: pain the buttocks
- quocker-wodger: originally referred to a wooden toy figure which jerks its limbs about when pulled by a string; later has taken to refer to a pseudo-politician, one whose strings of action are pulled by somebody else
- quondam: former, sometime (a quondam friend)
- recumbentibus: a knockout punch, either verbal or physical
- ranunculaceous: of, like, or pertaining to buttercups
- sciolist: a person who pretends to be knowledgeable and well-informed
- scripturient: having a violent desire to write
- scrying: the practice of looking into a translucent ball or other material with the belief that things can be seen, such as spiritual visions, and less often for purposes of divination and fortune telling
- simoon: a hot dry violent dust-laden wind from Asian and African deserts
- snowclone: a neologism for the type of cliché and phrasal template originally defined as "a multi-use, customizable, instantly recognizable, time-worm, quoted, or misquoted phrase or sentence that can be used in an entirely open array of different variants"
- specie: money in the form of coins rather than notes
- stertorous: characterized by a harsh snoring or gasping sound
- tarantism: a psychological illness characterized by an extreme impulse to dance, prevalent in southern Italy from the 15th to 17th century, widely believed at the time to have been caused by the bite of tarantula
- trephine: a hole saw used in surgery to remove a circle of tissue or bone
- triturate: to pulverize and comminute thoroughly by rubbing or grinding
- ultrarepidarian: the habit of giving opinions and advice on matters outside of one's knowledge
- urbane: polite and confident; fashionable and somewhat formal
- vernalagnia: an increase in sexual desire which occurs in the spring
- vivify: enliven or animate
- Voivoide: a Slavic title that originally denoted the principal commander of a military force (warlord)
- welter: move in a turbulent fashion; a large number of items in no order, a confused mass
- xenization: the fact of travelling as a stranger
- yonderly: mentally or emotionally distant; absent-minded
- zugzwang: a situation in a chess game in which a player is forced to make an undesirable or disadvantageous move
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may 14 2014 +