- Chocolate is only a temporary fix.
- A properly-fitting bra is not a luxury. It is a necessity.
- Your happiness is your happiness and yours alone.
- How to apply red lipstick.
- How to wear the crap out of red lipstick.
- A boyfriend does not validate your existence.
- Eat the extra slice of pizza.
- Wear what makes you feel gracefully at ease.
- Love the world unconditionally.
- Seek beauty in all things.
- Buy your friends dinner when you can.
- Wear sunscreen like it’s your second job.
- Try with all your might to keep in contact with far-away friends.
- Make the world feel at ease around you.
- Walk with your head up.
- Order a cheeseburger on the first date if you want to.
- Never, ever bite your nails.
- Swipe on some lipstick, put on your leather jacket, and sneak into a bar somewhere.
- Learn from your mistakes that night.
- Dental hygiene is not multiple choice.
- Your GPA is not a confession of your character.
- There is strength in breaking down.
- You don’t have to like yoga.
- Pick a tea.
- Take care of your feet.
- Pick a perfume.
- Even if you’re tall, wear the heels anyway.
- Classy is a relative term.
- Drink whiskey if you like whiskey.
- Drink wine if you like wine.
- Like what you like.
- Offer no explanation.
- Advil and Gatorade.
- You are no less of a woman when you’re in sweats and gym shoes than a woman in stilettos and a pencil skirt.
- A woman is a woman is a woman.
- Love your fellow woman with all your heart and soul.
- Cry, uninhibited, with your friends.
- Laugh until you can’t breathe with your friends.
- Tell me everything.
- Exercise to be strong and healthy. A beautiful soul needs a sturdy vessel.
- There is no shame in hoping for love.
- My cooking is the best cooking.
- Do not take sex lightly.
- I mean it.
- Anna Karenina. I’d like it if you read it.
- The world spins on the principle of inherent tragedy.
- Do not be blind to it.
- Men are effectively idiots until the age of 26.
- Carbohydrates are not the enemy.
- Involve yourself in an organized activity of your choosing.
- Listen to classical music occasionally.
- Take hot baths.
- Do not use bath salts.
- You are more than capable.
- I promise.
- Don’t smile if you don’t mean it.
- Mean your anger. Mean your sadness. Mean your pain.
- I am always, always listening.
- Travel.
- Get stuck in a foreign country with $4.67 in your account.
- Make me furious.
- Make me worry.
- Come home smelly, tired, and with a good story.
- Your story isn’t really yours.
- You are a compilation of others’ stories.
- Well-fitting and modest is ALWAYS sexier than too small and tight.
- Who cares if glitter isn’t tasteful?
- It’s too much eyeliner if you have to ask.
- Learn to bake for when you’re sad and I’m not there.
- Humility and subservience are not synonyms.
- Wash your face twice per day.
- Be gentle with your skin.
- Science is really cool.
- So is literature.
- And history.
- And math.
- There is no substitute for fresh air.
- Carry your weight.
- Make up for it later if you can’t.
- That salad is not better than pasta and it never will be.
- You’re fooling no one.
- Find at least three green vegetables you can tolerate.
- A smoothie is not a meal.
- Expect the best from everyone.
- People will let you down.
- Bask in the sun (wearing a sunhat and SPF 90).
- There is a certain kind of man you need to avoid at all costs.
- You’ll know it when you meet him.
- What other people say is right doesn’t always feel right.
- What feels right is where your happiness is.
- Give thoughtful gifts.
- Form an opinion.
- Stick to it.
- Exfoliation in moderation.
- Argue with people when you need to.
- If it’s worth fighting for, fight fiercely.
- Don’t fight for acceptance.
- You shouldn’t have to.
- Take pictures, but not too many.
- Follow your bliss at all costs. (I’m cutting you off at 22, though).
- Chocolate ice cream, however, might just be a permanent fix.
feb 6 2015 ∞
sep 30 2015 +