• Group VII (7 outermost shell e-)
  • smell: pungent, acidic
  • hazard warning labels: toxic, corrosive

  • Collection method: Gas syringe/downward delivery
  • Drying method: Bubbling through conc. H2SO4


  • color: yellowish green
  • Preparation methods:

(1) By adding dilute acid to chlorine bleach OCl- + Cl- + 2H+ -> Cl2 + H2O (2) Reacting conc HCl and MnO4-

  • Test for Cl2(g): It turns moist pH paper red and then white

Cl2 + H2O -> HCl + HOCl HOCl+ (dye) -> HCl + (dye + O)

  • act as bleaching agent

Cl2(g)reacts with cold dilute naoh to give chlorine bleach Cl2 + 2NaOH -> NaCl +NaOCl + H2O

Cl2 can displace Br-/I- as Cl2 is a stronger oxidizing agent than Br2/I2.

If the organic layer turns orange-red, the solution contains Br2. If the organic layer turns purple, the organic layer contains I2.

nov 22 2020 ∞
mar 7 2021 +