• Thursday, February 26 2009 - I was in a cab and it was raining reallly heavily, the street at one point was flooding a tad bit and the cab's screen wipers were going at it's fatest mode. On the other hand, I was travelling at about 50 to 60Km/h. And then suddenly, the rain disappeared. I've taken note of times I've gone through an area where it was raining and an area where it wasn't. The transition was slow. But this was abrupt. This was REALLY abrupt. I turned back to look out of the back window of the cab. And I saw an extremely distinct line between dry and wet. The sound of the heavy downpour against the steel panel of the taxi was so quickly silenced. Like my cab just entered a sheltered zone. It's silly, but I looked out to the sky hoping I could see the edge of a cloud.
  • Saturday, February 28 2009 - I saw a short, fat lady walking on the street carrying a lifesized cardboard cut out of herself. Quite a sight. She had taken part in some kinda slimming regime thing and she was supposedly one of those that came out of it with a noticeable change. She was prolly proud of the fact that there was actually such a huge cardboard cut-out with her picture in it. So she brought it home. I couldn't help but do a quick comparison of the life sized poster image and the lady herself. The difference I saw made me wonder if I was living in the past, and that the lady on the street, was the lady before.
  • Sunday, March 1 2009 - The first time I ever held a revolver.
  • Wednesday, March 4 2009 - I was in the train on my way home. It was a half hour past 10 and I was spacing out when I heard an announcement. In tamil. It is totally ordinary to have announcements made in tamil in the train IF it was accompanied with the same anouncement in Chinese and Malay. For sure I can rationalise with that. But this particular announcement was just made in Tamil. Instantly, when the announcement was made, a few things came to mind. The announcement was obviously made to address Indians ONLY. Now (obviously), what would the message be if it was intended for Indians... in a crowded train? Hmmm.
  • Saturday, June 13 2009 - My first ever Indian "Date" lasted 20 minutes.
  • Friday, July 24 2009 - The first time I saw Fernando Torres and Jamie Carragher. They stood about 180ft from me.
  • Mid June 2010 - The first time I rode on a Yak. The first time I reached above altitude 4000km in Shangrila up the mountain. A mini oxygen tank was required for each person. I felt weird having to look down to see clouds instead of up. And really how huge this world is.
  • Sunday, July 25 2010 - I shaved my head.
  • Monday, October 4 2010 - The night I bathed with a pail in complete darkness and almost 15 degrees temperature up in the mountain with no heater and a wooden door with no lock.
  • October 8 to 29 2010 - The first time I experienced autumn. The first time I went to Belgium, Amsterdam and Italy. I reached above altitude 3500km up in Jungfrou, top of Europe. Again, I looked down at the clouds.
  • September 7 to 11 2011 - The first time I fired a gun. It was an AK 47. I was in Vietnam and it was extremely loud. The man in charge had to press my shoulder hard against gun so that my shoulder wouldn't fly off due to the recoil. I fired 5 bullets.
  • Saturday, October 22 2011 - The first time I drank cappuccino. I have never intentionally drank coffee in my life. I have taken a sip by accident thinking it was some other drink. On this date, I finished an entire cup. My heart was pumping like crazy at the first few sips; my whole body felt weird for the entire day.
feb 26 2009 ∞
oct 22 2011 +