souma is the only important one really
- ♡ souma kanzaki ❤︎
- ♡ kei okazaki
- ♡ fyodor dostoevsky (bsd)
- ♡ yusuke kitagawa
- ♡ takashima zakuro
- ♡ kazuma kiryu
- ♡ akira nishikiyama
- ♡ haruka sawamura
- ♡ majima goro
- ♡ akiyama shun
- ♡ dazai osamu (bsd)
- ♡ malleus draconia
- ♡ ukyo (amnesia: memories)
- ♡ nene yashiro
- ♡ edgar bright
- ♡ kokichi ouma (sorry)
- ♡ akatsuki (ES)
- ♡ undead
- ♡ ra*bits
- ♡ akira kurusu / joker
- ♡ yu narukami
- ♡ yosuke hanamura
- ♡ phantom thieves (P5)
- ♡ ikki (amnesia: memories)
- ♡ tamaki yotsuba
- ♡ sogo osaka
- ♡ rika jougasaki
- ♡ akari tsujino
- ♡ riamu yumemi
- ♡ hanako kun
- ♡ emu ootori
- ♡ rui kamishiro
- ♡ gakupo kamui
- ♡ all the cryptonloids
- ♡ luka clemence
- ♡ mousse atlas
- ♡ kunikida doppo (BSD)
- ♡ atsushi nakajima (BSD)
- ♡ nagito komaeda
- ♡ shuichi saihara
- ♡ korekiyo shinguji
- ♡ rantaro amami
- ♡ ibuki mioda
- ♡ sakura ogami
- ♡ aoi asahina
...and alot more unlisted ^^;
+ im not that big on ships nor do i take it seriously but heres some pairings i like (and may rt/talk about occasionally) :) bolded / italicized are my favs ull see them more often
- ♡ kurokei (i lied im actually kind of big on this one)
- ♡ kunikidazai
- ♡ reikei
- ♡ souyo
- ♡ polysho
- ♡ emurui
- ♡ saiouma (sorry)
i like most pairings tbh as long as theyre not gross. esp in enstars i like basically everything that isnt freaky yes including x anzu/producer