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- main; about, rarely updated. (mar. 18, 2025)
- ongoing; media tracker, frequently updated.
- archive; outdated media trackers, updated yearly.

listography NEW NEWS
  • white, usa.
  • autistic, with low empathy.
  • gay & t4t, dating fogherd.
  • fat.

as a note, if you're buying a commission from me i have dyscalculia. i apologize if there's any issues with my math because of it.

while i'm open about myself, who i am, "what's wrong with me," etc. i don't want to be boiled down into stereotypes or have things assumed about me. i won't list other diagnoses here, but i still talk about them publicly elsewhere.

i am willing to answer any and all questions about transness or trans people, unless i feel you are not asking in good faith. i may have a shortness with cis people, but it's not meant to be personal (unless said otherwise).

  • i do not and cannot speak for ALL trans people. i am one guy, and my experiences are not universal and i don't know everything.
  • i can talk about a lot of medical stuff, things in broad statements, and delve more into specifics related to trans men.
  • transness is a topic i'm incredibly passionate about and try to be as knowledgeable as i can. but like i said, i cannot and will not speak for all trans people & i can also be wrong. talk to more trans people than just me for more of an in-depth look if you're genuinely curious.

i will not associate with transmeds and TERFs.

may 10 2024 ∞
sep 3 2024 +