this list is not in any particular order, and is quite long.
red dead redemption.
- john marston.
- arthur morgan.
- javier escuella.
- charles smith.
- hosea matthews.
- kieran duffy.
- lenny summers.
- albert mason.
- charles chatenay.
dragon age.
- alistair.
- anders.
- fenris.
- varric.
- the iron bull.
- dorian.
- blackwall.
- cole.
- greed demon.
- gob.
- harold.
- fawkes.
- butch.
- three dog.
- arcade gannon.
- fantastic.
- boone.
- benny.
- ED-E.
- yes man.
- victor.
- hancock.
- maccready (4 only).
- maximus.
- thaddeus.
left 4 dead.
stardew valley.
vampire the masquerade.
- knox.
- nines.
- beckett.
- laughing jack.
- skelter.
- andrei.
monster prom.
- brian.
- oz.
- scott.
- doug.
- sawyer.
- abdu.
- whiskey.
- calculester.
- moss man.
- morty.
- stu.
jurassic park.
- corvo attano.
- the outsider.
better call saul.
- jimmy mcgill.
- nacho varga.
- lalo salamanca.
- bugs bunny (looney tunes).
- keaton (animal crossing).
- leon/squall (final fantasy/kingdom hearts).
may 10 2024 ∞
sep 7 2024 +