- ✔ Paint more, and try watercolor
- Learn to play tennis
- Finish writing a novel! I am only at page twenty of 'Mistaken' but I would like to finish that one.
- Also, give 'Mistaken' a new title!
- This is the story of L, just in case I forget! :)
- Work with children somehow!
- Try: Summer day camps, community center day camps, summer schools, day cares etc.
- Get a tan for once!
- Read as many books as possible, because once school starts, it will no longer be my choice as to which books I can read
- Finish 'This Side of Paradise'- F. Scott Fitzgerald
- Finish 'Acacia'- Can't remember author's name
- Re-read Belgariad/ Mallorean series
- Re-Read Harry Potter series
- Keep plugging away at learning guitar
- Ask for a nice camera for my birthday
- Then photograph
- Practice with Photoshop!
apr 3 2010 ∞
dec 27 2012 +