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greetings, friend! i'm a white, non-binary, introverted dweller of cozy rooms that loves nature, the weather, and video games! i'm a dragon. ask me for my discord, telegram, steam,, summoner name, and whatever else you may need!

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my pronouns are they/them or it/its! and you can call me...

  • norveir [noor-vee-air](preferred, dragon name)
  • neon (space entity name)
  • aurum
  • morgan (people name)
  • edon / xyllac (fursona names)

welcome to one of the few pages on the internet that provide a psychological insight into my mind. i am a dragon, but i have a human body, too. it does not matter to me what you call me out of these. but, some have a stronger connection than others to me.

i typically try my best to escape my former aliases, but i used to go by "bag of salt" on the internet, and then "edonxyllac" usually in my handles and on twitter especially. i have many current usernames as "xyllac," pretty much wherever i can put in a unique name like that.

names aside, i'm a very neurodivergent, disabled (and fighting with the government about it) person that finds functioning to be a challenge, but i always manage to best my inhibitors, somehow.

sep 21 2020 ∞
may 16 2023 +