Thursday 15th December, 2011 9:56pm

Weather: pleasant, blue sky with white fluffy clouds

  • Happy Birthday, if it's your birthday today! :)

"May you feel celebrated today. May you feel loved" "It's an honor to be a character in your story" - TWLOHA cards

  • worked at IPU today
  • ATAR for high school students came out today, had to make alot of phone calls and compile spreadsheets

(just saw a daddy long leg spider... meh. Whatever)

  • went for lunch at 2pm after I finished calling my part of the list. Went down to the Tower food court to find the stores were shut for the holidays...
  • went to buy some sushi (store near Mac Donalds) - got a tempura and katsu chicken sushi roll. They sold Fuji Apple drink so got that... was really expensive.
  • ate back at the office and continued making calls
  • found out there was some major issues with a mail merge I did... I ish sad. :(
  • spreadsheet stuffed up... good thing I saved another copy elsewhere. Just retyped what I had written.
  • finished work at 5:15pm
  • phone ran out of battery
  • met up with Keni
  • decided I'd get a haircut
  • went to Town Hall. Said bye to Keni.
  • Went to KimSunYoung - got my usual haircut. Layered, trim and side fringe (so not original) - just said yes whenever they asked if what they had done was okay. Couldn't see more then a blurry blob without my glasses on...
  • Hairdresser suggested permanent straightening since my hair was frizzy or "puffy" like she said
  • told her I knew I should but don't like sitting for 3hrs waiting to have it done... I had it permanently straightened about 3-4 years ago. Maybe in the near future.
  • finished haircut - hairdresser gave me her card. I paid and thanked her (sorry for the mundane details...)
  • went to bus stop. Caught the bus that goes through Surry Hills today... takes longer to get home that way - played some Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth before it started running out of battery...
  • got home
  • checked results. Three good, one bad. I ish sad again.
  • I know I passed my international studies subjects, so I'm happy for that means my exchange is almost official (got my letter of admission two days ago)
  • Bad subject makes me sad... of all days I find out today. I must be a disappointing student. :<
  • gotta eat dinner now. Shall stop wallowing in sadness
  • might watch some Tiger and Bunny today.
  • gotta make progress in cleaning my room
  • took a day off work tomorrow! Going to the Harry Potter Exhibition with my high school friends

Other random things to mention:

  • got my Arale hats... one of them is too small. Need to send seller photos to prove it some how.
  • bought a bunch of Threadless T-shirts during the 48hr sale. They didn't have all the designs I wanted and I had to cut out alot of them but I look forward to seeing the ones I got
  • wish I got to meet someone today... guess that's just my lack of luck

Last words of the night: it's past 10pm already?! I need to eat my dinner.

Mood: hungry, tired, disappointed but excited for a brand new day... (can't be sad forever, got to deal with my stupid decisions)

dec 15 2011 ∞
dec 16 2011 +