Sunday 4th December, 2011 11:22pm

Weather: Rainy and cold

  • been sick since Wednesday. Almost recovered now
  • hectic week will talk about what I got up to the past few days while being sick

1) Sick at work and Dinner with friends: 1/12/11

  • worked at Alumni. Sniffles and really bad sore throat
  • ate with Sunny and Keni at Best Hand-made Noodle Restaurant (near Miyama and that hotel/bar place which I have forgotten it's name)
  • finished work at 4:45pm met with Carmen to pick something up from her at Market City. Talked to her about what was happening and our trip soon.
  • met up with some friends for dinner at Kura III. Ate Gyu Don - no soft drinks for sick little me...
  • walked back to Pyrmont to get the car and was dropped off home

2) Ness' Birthday Outing: 2/12/11

  • worked at IPU in morning for a bit. There wasn't anything urgent to be done so left at 11:30am
  • went to B10 to check on my enrollment for next year. ICS subjects have been set to 'planned'. Now to wait for results...
  • Chloe was super slow.
  • went to Market City to meet Chloe - looking for clothes for X-Mas party since I'm super unprepared
  • went to Capitol, found Miriam waiting. Soon everyone else arrived. We took some purikura.
  • wondered around Market City stores for a bit. Cella, Ness, Chloe, Miriam and I got a Puffy puff (was super hungry from not eating lunch)
  • took a bus down to Newtown, Chedi Thai restaurant for dinner. It was pretty good - good service, nice food and nice atmosphere.
  • Ph left early
  • Also finally gave everyone my souvernirs from Japan
  • Checked out the bookstore nearby. I want to visit it again sometime
  • Fiona left early
  • went to Carriageworks Finders Keepers Markets. Super packed. Lots of fancy things to look at.
  • bought a nice bowtie
  • saw a cute little dog outside in a red sweater
  • took some group photos outside
  • headed home with Junet, Miriam, Ness and Chloe. Junet's dad dropped us off
  • went straight to bed

3) AnimeSydney X-Mas Party: 3/12/11

  • went to city for last minute outfit search with Chloe and Juliet
  • got pretty tired from walking too much (problems with being sick)
  • bought a shirt from Zara. Super pricey but guess I'll still wear it...
  • saw a yellow version of the bag I bought there. Looked nice but I'd never buy it. Also saw this girl with this nice backpack...
  • went home and napped. Then got up to get ready to head out
  • Chloe was sewing a prop and so ended up being super late. Went to QVB to finish getting ready. Thought there was a wedding on since there was these ladies dressed in wedding attire, that kept coming in and out. I think it was actually a photoshoot... or maybe engagement photos. They were standing in front of the QVB X-Mas tree when we walked past
  • do people do those? I have no clue what you do prior to weddings... and I've only ever attend Chinese weddings.
  • although most of the people were Cantonese speakers... /eavesdrops
  • got to Albion Hotel - feels weird walking around the city in a purple wig and fake glasses. The dilemmas faced by cosplayers...
  • Lots of people! Alex was dressed as Kei from Moyashimon
  • hung out with mainly Anime@UTS people. Ness was around with her SUAnime buddies.
  • went out to eat Maccas with Syksy, Bubby, Heza, Chloe and Seb (super hungry from not eating lunch)
  • overall party was so-so
  • once it was finished left with Ness and Chloe
  • dropped Ness home then went home
  • changed and went to bed


  • chilled at home - surfed the net
  • started watching Anime again. Got my hard drive back from Clara yesterday with lots of stuff to watch
  • started watching Tiger & Bunny
  • painted my nails purple... super terrible at it. Reasons why I shouldn't even bother
  • wanted to try a design on them but decided not to

Plans for the week:

  • working at Alumni tomorrow, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
  • working at IPU on Wednesday
  • maybe watch a movie?
  • hopefully get some Japanese study in...

Last Words of the night: better get some sleep... Forgot to say happy birthday to Alex. :/

Mood: neutral, calm

dec 4 2011 ∞
dec 20 2011 +