Tuesday 6th December, 2011 9:53pm

Weather: cloudy and cold

  • woke up late today and ran out of the house without breakfast... WAS SO HUNGRY
  • went to work at Alumni today
  • working with Sunny on cleaning up constituents
  • brought lunch today. Ate lunch with Keni in the concourse
  • bought lychee water from the union shop
  • met Livia on the way back upstairs - sat with her while she ate her lunch
  • told her about my meeting with someone she knew the other day
  • went back to office with Keni
  • headed to APO and went with Livia to the mail room
  • went back to office and continued working
  • Sunny went home early, wasn't feeling well
  • realised I got an email from Anna asking me to work on Friday at IPU - went to IPU to check if she was still there. She wasn't, left a message for her
  • will check email tomorrow morning to see if I need to be at IPU in the morning or go on Friday morning instead
  • plan to have lunch with Livia next Tuesday
  • hoping to go to Outpost - an art exhibit? Located at Cockatoo Island. Dom seems to be going on Thursday. So trying to work tomorrow at Alumni if not needed at IPU and then Thursday AM. Then take Thursday PM off to go... will see what happens
  • still reading The Way of the Shadows... why am I so slow at reading now?! Still waiting for the other books I requested to arrive at the library. Need to finish it ASAP and read the other books I have

Things to mention about yesterday:

  • had an interesting discussion on Twitter about Tamora Pierce books with Kiri and Gurasu yesterday
  • made a list of things for Junet to get her family friend to get in the US from Sephora - Skype called her for a bit

Other things to mention:

  • Still missing a book from my Book Depository order
  • want to buy some fabric... wonder if Spotlight or Lincraft have sales this time of year :/
  • want to get a haircut soon
  • either working at Alumni all day tomorrow OR IPU in the morning and Alumni in the afternoon. Will have to wait and see in the morning
  • plans made to go to Harry Potter Exhibit next Friday

Last Words of the Day: probably watch some Tiger & Bunny and read more

Mood: normal, calm

dec 6 2011 ∞
dec 16 2011 +