I am back on listography, and this is the first list I write, as I am apparently super jaded from love and am practically a different person than when I wrote everything else....
- Before, I used to promise to myself that I'd pay off both of our debt and also our vacations and shared expenses, etc. I used to fantasize that it would be such a fucking romantic wedding gift, better than an engagement ring, if I paid off his debt. Then there would be a clean slate for us to go into the rest of life, together. What a fucking idiot I was. I'm not going to do that anymore. We can pay our own way.
- Write my spouse out of my will and have them agree to it in writing and file it legally. The only beneficiaries will be my parents instead.
- Always have separate finances, separate bank accounts, etc.
- Split all shared property (apartment, etc) straight down the middle. Insure it all.