• ENGLISH - ...does this need explaining?...
  • FRENCH - 5 years if it in High school.
      • Bonjour! Je m'appelle Jean-Marie. Je sais beaucoup de français. J'ai étudié pendant cinq ans.
  • MANDARIN - Started 1.5 years ago. Still have no idea what I'm doing.
      • 大家好!我的普通话名字是洪喜菊。虽然我从中国来的、但是我说普通话不好。对不起!
  • KOREAN - Started 2 years ago, though on and off. Can read, but don't fully understand.
      • 안녕하세요! 제 이름은 홍씨주 입니다. 미국에서 왔어요.만나서 반가워.
jan 18 2018 ∞
jan 18 2018 +