Heyo everyone it’s Woke, I’ve finally decided to open commissions since I’m moving out to live on my own and haven’t found a new job in the city where I study yet so here’s my little info sheet for that!

full res link

This assortment of samples isn’t the best (im still working on it) so if you wanna see any more examples of a specific style/species/etc or have questions about something that isn’t listed on here, feel free to message me and I’d be happy to share more of my work! I am also able to print stickers or do traditional marker art so yeah just hmu if you want to know anything about that too :>

I get a little busy around uni deadlines but I’m usually able to work pretty fast and get things done within 1-2 days. Also as it says in my sheet, I’m up for negotiating prices, I mainly do art for fun and feel bad taking money at all tbh so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

So yeah that’s it, have a great day everyone and thanks for reading!!

Contact me:


Discord tag: Awoken#0959

mar 2 2018 ∞
mar 4 2018 +