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I have a really hard time with this. I tend to think my decisions will never be right because of past situations & although I would feel confident or determined things went wrong anyways. But I really have to let go/accept reality this year & take risks with just about anything.
I know I have an extremely bad temper. I yell at people/friends for little things and I have little to no patience. This year I must recognize and respect who people are and thus, control my patience with them. However, I need to recognize if things go too far, I can not let myself be pushed around.
To my teachers they think I am trying my very best and my work is consisted of my full effort. But I know that it's not & that I usually only try hard enough to get an A. Most just haven't seen that my work that's "just do it to get it done is my A work."
2010 is going to be a busy year so I have to keep up & create to-do lists so I won't fall behind.
I really need to stop giving up before I haven’t even tried.
I need to learn how to spend my money on things I need vs things I want.
I am not sure if this is really a good idea but I want to see how it goes.
I've been really lazy nowadays. All I do is sit at my computer & do whatever at home. I don't want to feel like I live in a box so as much as I can I should try to hang out with friends or just simple take walks.