list icon
  • argentinian lesbian woman
  • 21 y/o | ☉♏︎, ☽♌︎, ↑♑︎
  • lesbofeminista: quiero vivir solo por y para mujeres
  • esp | eng | fr | 日本語、한국어, עברית, deutsch learning (ill pick up this when i finally fnish my studies ig T_T)

visual arts, animation, languages

: my gf Lou, my cat Icaro, female poets, mate cocido, loona, korean n japanese indie rock bands, supporting female local artists when i have some money, making lists, reading books at the beach on summer and then rot in my bed on winter

b ooks

  • The waves, Children of the sea, Good night see you in my dreams, Pájaros en la boca y otros cuentos, The priority of the orange tree, Zoc, L'élégance du hérisson

f ilms

  • Frances ha, Kajillionaire, The tale of the princess kaguya, Children of the sea, Tokyo godfathers, The secret garden, Aftersun, Spider-man into the spiderverse

t v series n anime

  • Rwby, Mob Psycho 100, Killing eve, Keep your hands off eizouken!, Magi, Ping pong the animation, HunterxHunter, Inazuma eleven

i would die for my beloved female characters

jun 18 2020 ∞
jan 28 2025 +