Ayuni's listography
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I avidly create lists as I have the obsessive need to write every thoughts down.
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Little things
A clean public bathroom
A cold shower on a hot day
A good stretch after sleeping
A movie marathon on a rainy day
A movie with a great soundtrack
A new pair of shoes
A newborn's fingers and toes
A stream of good songs on the radio
Accelerating after being in a traffic jam
Accomplishing something people thought I couldn't
Arriving on time when I thought I wouldn't
Beating a high score
Being in a great mood for no particular reason
Being interested in what's being taught in class
Being the first to know
Being wrapped in a blanket on a rainy day
Bendy straws
Blowing bubbles
Buying something I saved money for
Candid photos
Catching something before it hits the ground
City lights at night
City skylines
Classic Disney movies
Cold side of the pillow
Collapsing into my bed after a long day
Coming up with a good idea
Completing a DIY project
Crisp money bills
Crossing something off my bucket list
Discovering a new song and instantly loving it
Doing what I love
Drawing a straight line freehand
Drinking cold water when I'm really thirsty
Drinking the leftover milk after eating the cereal
Driving on an empty road
Erasers that don't smudge
Falling asleep to the sound of the rain
Feeling confident when turning in an exam
Feeling safe & warm inside when it's raining outside
Feeling the cool wind on my face when I bike
Finally finding a comfortable sleeping position
Finally finding the edge of a roll of tape
Finally getting out what was stuck in my shoes
Finally getting out what was stuck in my teeth
Finally releasing my laughter after trying to hold it in
Finding a shortcut that makes the work I'm doing so much easier
Finding money in the laundry
Finding out that someone does the same weird things as I do
Finding out that something is cheaper than I thought it was
Finding out there isn't a back side to a worksheet
Finding something I lost a long time ago
Finding the most flavour-coated chip in the bag
Finishing an exam
First bite into a crisp apple
Flipping to a new month on a calendar
Flipping to the right page of a book on the first day
Freedom of being home alone
Fresh air
Fresh-baked bread
Fresh-cut fruit
Fully-charged battery
Fuzzy socks
Getting an A on a test I didn't study for
Getting my back scratched
Getting my hair washed at the salon
Getting new school supplies
Getting the bigger half
Getting the window seat on a plane ride
Going through all the photos I took at the end of the day
Having a blank to-do list
Hearing my favourite song live at a concert
Hearing someone sings when they think no one is listening
Home-cooked meals
Instant friendships
Kids wearing footed pajamas
Knowing the answer to a question when no one else does
Lazy weekends
Long road trips at night
Long weekends
Looking at old yearbook photos
Looking at water droplets travel across the car window
Looking over a test and catching a mistake
Looking through old school works
Magazine perfume samples
Making accidental discoveries
Making eye contact with a person who knows what I'm thinking without saying a word
Movie nights
My pet's excitement when I come home
Not getting caught
Old family videos
Opening a brand new book
Originality of each person's handwriting
Overhearing funny conversations
Peeling off dried glue
Peeling the plastic film off a newly purchased item
Pens that make my handwriting look better
People who just get me
Perfectly peeling off a price sticker
Photobooth pictures
Playground swings
Playing with a newly bought electronic
Popping bubble wrap
Positive feedbacks on something I worked hard on
Pretty skies
Putting on dry clothes after swimming
Putting the last piece of a puzzle
Questions on a test that give away answers to other questions
Quick downloads
Rainy days in bed
Random acts of kindness
Reading old journals
Realising I'm not the only one
Rereading old conversations
Rollercoaster pictures
Scented candles
Seedless grapes
Seeing my breath on cold days
Seeing sunshine fill the room as I open the curtains
Sleeping on freshly washed sheets
Sliding across the floor in my socks
Smiles from strangers
Solving a really difficult math problem correctly
Stapling a finished homework together
Successful last-minute plans
Successfully doing something on the first try
Successfully removing a stain
Successfully slipping through a slowly closing door
Successfully untying a difficult knot
Sunshine after a rainy day
Sweater weather
Taking a perfect picture
Taking the first scoop of an ice cream
That anticipation before a big vacation
That end-of-the-school-year feeling
That feeling after finishing all my homework
That feeling after recovering from a brain freeze
That feeling after washing off a face mask
That feeling of relief after finding something I lost
That first drop of a rollercoaster ride
That moment when a rollercoaster starts to move
That perfect shower temperature
That morning after a night of rain
The chocolate at the bottom of an ice cream cone
The first flavourful chews on a new piece of gum
The first minutes after I crawled into bed
The first scoop of ice cream from the tub
The first shower after a haircut
The first time a person says my name
The taste of water after a PE class
The way city lights shine on wet pavement on rainy nights
The way the sun shines on water
Tossing something in the trash and making it in
Turning on the tv just in time
Twisting the lid of a jar when no one else was able to
Typing really fast with no mistakes
Unexpected gifts
Using brand new markers
Waking up and realising I have more time to sleep
Walking barefoot on a grass
Walking into an air-conditioned building after being outside in the heat
Walking through puddles in rain boots
Watching a film the second time & noticing things I didn't realise before
Watching a new episode of my favourite tv show
Watching fireworks
Watching kittens play
Watching my new pet explores the house for the first time
Watching popcorn pop in the microwave
Well-mannered young children
When a cat sneezes
When a deadline is extended
When a person's laugh is funnier than the joke
When a stranger helps me pick up something I dropped
When I didn't do my homework & my teacher decides not to collect it
When I finish writing right at the end of the page
When I make it inside just as it starts to rain
When I nail a performance I was nervous about
When my day turns out great even though my plans didn't work out
When my ears pop & I can hear everything clearly again
When my parents say "yes" instead of the expected "no"
When my pet cuddles up next to me
When my pet falls asleep on my lap
When my teacher uses my work as a good example
When other families treat me like a member
When people remember after meeting me only once
When someone I haven't seen in a long time still remembers me
When someone puts into words what I was struggling to say
When someone says they are proud of me
When someone values my opinion
When something I dread gets cancelled
When the aeroplane takes off
When the elevator door opens right away
When the last item in a store is my size
When the lights start to dim before a film begins
When the power comes back after an outage
When the restroom doesn't have a line
When the week goes by really fast
Wrapping my cold hands around a cup of a warm drink
Writing on the first page of a notebook
Writing or drawing on foggy windows
Writing with a freshly sharpened pencil
aug 7 2013 ∞
dec 2 2013 +