- “You don't have to be the bad guy.”
- “You are the most talented, most interesting, and most extraordinary person in the universe.”
- “Darn, darn, darn, darny-darn!”
- “I only work in black and sometimes very, very dark grey.”
- “If this relationship is going to work out between us I need to feel free to party with a bunch of strangers whenever I feel like it.”
- “Look, um… I watch a lot of cop shows on TV… isn't there supposed to be a-… Isn't there supposed to be a good cop?”
- “I'm your friendly neighborhood police officer!”
- “We're about to crash into the sun.”
- “Yeah, but it's gonna look really cool.”
- “Do you know what kind of sunburn I'm going to get?”
- “I'm covered in latex.”
- “I super hate you.”
- “All this is true because it rhymes.”
- “What if there's such a thing as a bunkbed but as a couch?”
- “That's literally the dumbest thing I ever heard.”
- “I'm here to see… your butt!”
- “Is that a last name Butt, first name Your…?”
- “…Blah, blah, blah. Proper name. Place name. Backstory stuff…”
- “I think I got it. But just in case… tell me the whole thing again, I wasn't listening.”
- “Come with me if you want to not die.”
- “That's a suggestion. They have to put that on there.”
- “Any idea is a good idea except the non-happy ones.”
- “I know that sounds like a cat poster but it's true.”
- “But how could I just decide to believe that I'm special when I'm not?"
- “The prophecy… I made it up.”
- “I liked _ before it was cool.”
- “Business, business, business. Numbers.”
- “Honey? Where are my paaaaaaaants?”
- “Marry a marshmallow.”
- “What're you losers talking about?”
- “You need to be more friendly!”
- “Does he have super gross hands that look like they're made out of big pink sausages, like eagle talons mixed with squid?”
- “Oh, we got a hugger.”
- “Why are my pants cold and wet?”
- “Did you just call me old?”
- “All you have to do is believe that you are special, then you are special.”
- “Well, where can we go where we can't be found?”
- “I feel something inside it's like… the opposite of happiness!”
- “I must stay positive. Bubblegums! Butterflies? Cotton Candy…?”
- “The walls are crying!”
- “First law of the sea: Never place yer rear end on a pirate's face."
- “Here's how we do it pirate style!”
- “Po-lice to meet you.”
- “We'll wing it… That's a bat pun.” “It turns out that hairy one's a dude.”
- “You are so disappointing on so many levels.”
- “What a bunch of hippie, dippie baloney!”
- “It makes me just wanna pick up whoever's standing closest to me and just throw them out this window.”
- “No…more…Mr. Nice Guy!”
- “It is indeed super sweet.”
- “Hey, not so special anymore, huh?”
- “Unfortunately I'm gonna have to leave you here to die.”
- “So I guess running around and screaming is normal.”
jan 16 2015 ∞
jan 16 2015 +