As time passes, I mean, recently, this song was playing randomly on Spotify, and without realizing it, it reminded me a lot of things about him before and after he became something special for me.

  • Who was the first to fall?
    • me, but It doesn't matter, because I know we're both sinking deeper every day.
  • Where did you first meet him?
    • I had a feeling he'd say our first meeting took place in a squad called WeReveur. However, if you are more specific, the best answer is autobase when I reply to an offer to join a squad.
  • When did you realize you were in love with him?
    • I'll reply this one with bahasa, SOALNYA BINGUNG. At first (mojok) kita itu ga terlalu deket but But, for some reason, I admit that I keep an eye on him whenever he randomly talks to me or sends a tweet to gdm apa ya.. He's effortlessly attractive. In conclusion, Late nights when a few hours spent together just to watch a few movies in MY FAVORITE GENRE completely, deeply affected me.
  • Why must him?
    • because I know, only Kaiden is interested in knowing everything about me. Because I know, you remember so many little details of our story. I choose you because it was you, Kaiden.
jan 18 2022 ∞
jan 19 2022 +