DICE: the cube that changed everything (webtoon)

  • X is the perfect admin NPC.
    • X is omniscient and allows admin to metagame to some extent. Admins can send out texts/challenges to players and push characters together, and incite interactions accordingly. X is also more or less an asshole so you don't run the risk of the rp plot ever becoming too stagnant with all the rp muses being too buddy-buddy with one another.
    • with the way that DICE works, you can collect dice to enhance attributes such as: HEALTH, PHYSICAL SKILLS, INTELLIGENCE, OTHERS. muses can collect DICE points through completion of challenges + activity checks + events, the same way stats usually work in RPs.
    • admin may have to come up with a general scoreboard stating what types of challenges will earn you a certain amount of dice. this will exist alongside the challenges that are sent from the admins. the latter category will typically earn you the most dice.
    • A rankers are the ones who hold the special dice that give you special abilities such as: CLAIRVOYANCE, TELEPORTATION, CLOAKING, PSYCHOKINESIS (TELEKINESIS), and TIME PAUSE.
    • the issue here is that in the webtoons, only like 16 players or so are A rankers. with the plot, these players will fight each other in PVP stages in order to get the opportunity to play X for the S Rank Die. rumors say that the S rank die will give you control of reality. this will need to be adapted to make it more rp-able
oct 29 2016 ∞
nov 30 2016 +