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an archive for all the wonderful writing i've come across in this fandom.

a ♡ means i would very much like to marry said fic and/or fic writer (aka it probably made me cry and stuff w/e).

listography NEW NEWS
  • and where has my paradise gone
      • NC-17 · kris doesn't really remember how baekhyun came to live with him. that's what he says, anyways, to his friends. but he remembers it so vividly that he dreams about it sometimes -- its embarrassing so he pretends he doesn't remember.
  • delicate
      • R · kris finds out that the only thing he needs is exactly the only thing he can't have. sad :( :( :(
  • don't forget to breathe
      • NC-17 · the story of wufan realizing he has a crush on baekhyun.
  • light 'em up
      • PG · baekhyun downloads the naver line app and unknowingly drives kris crazy because of it.
  • S.M.L.E
      • NC-17 · what if you could map out your entire life, exactly the way you want it to be, and then live it while you sleep? S.M.L.E. can offer you this, and more. sm lucid entertainment: live your dreams.
  • take it over
      • NC-17 · baekhyun gets fucked against a wall, basically. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  • the timing and precision of a wreck
      • R · kris comes back from prison to find someone has unceremoniously taken his place. there's a race for money that he prepares for to prove himself, but ends up far more involved than he would have expected.
  • you gotta work ♡♡♡♡♡♡
      • R · everyone works at the cinema, except for baekhyun - who's always there anyways. baekhyun takes a liking to the new supervisor and joonmyun is haunted by an old crush he'd rather forget. jongin and kyungsoo are just weird and chanyeol is hopeless... most of the time.
  • you're the best i can do
      • NC-17 · you pay for the most expensive escort in the city and you expect someone with the flexibility of an acrobat, and a mouth dirtier than the city gutters. or maybe that's just what wufan had expected - something dirty and quick and rough and something he could easily detach from after it was all finished.
dec 17 2012 ∞
apr 10 2013 +