AJ: <('o'<) (>'o')>


Me: um...is that supposed to be a fish or am I dumb? Either are entirely possible at this point.

AJ: you is dum

Me: That was a possibility.

AJ: it's little dancing guys

ME: what?

AJ: Shake it to the left! <('o'<) Shake it to the right! (>'o')> Shake it all around! "<(^o^)>"

ME: where on earth did you come up with that?

AJ: does it matter?

-------------------------------------------- Me and Rachel in the creepy kitchen, at 3am singing and dancing to a horrible rendition of 'My Heart will Go On"

Rachel (stopping suddenly): There are probably people studying upstairs, we should be quiet, we might wake them up"

Me: Huh?

Rachel: Wait...wait...what?

Me and Rachel: *hysterical laughter* _______________________________________ Me and Rachel at Wal*Mart

Rachel:"Well, I know this is a radical thought, but you could always try to get over the color thing"

Me: "You just made me sound Racist!"

Rachel: "Yeah...I did. Sorry"

nov 6 2010 ∞
feb 1 2011 +