In conversation with Aunt Trish about my investment in books (specifically Harry Potter) "However, there is never such thing as just a story in my opinion. If you read a good one, it takes a part of you with it. If you invest enough it becomes a part of you. They are other worlds, and so long as no-one can irrefutably prove that they don't exist..I'm content living in them. So long as I still do my schoolwork and pay bills and such. This is why I want to be a writer. Too many other places I could live...all of them in my head. Sometime I think writers are the ones who belong in the insane asylums, but are smart enough to write the voices in their heads down and call it 'fiction'. "

In a conversation with AJ that ended up debating the merits of the East Coast vs. The West coast, and then....SNOW "No, Winter is meant to have snow. It is this magical little substance that makes the whole world right for just a moment. Have you ever been outside for the first real snow of the year? It's magical. Everything is silent and for a moment nothing is touched and it is perfect. Then it melts and there is mud and chaos...but snow is wonderful. "

Rachel and I making soup ‎"But they gave him a Christmas present, so THEY'RE IN LOVE!

...What have you done to me?"

And of course.... "I like tea, I like tea, I like tea, that Hagrid makes for me!" (This was after a day of reading the fourth HP book, and I think I was quite tired)

nov 27 2010 ∞
jan 29 2011 +