- 131203 | met mary
- 140510 | loe
- 140618-0715 - us trip
- 140712 | met zoe
- 140817 | met sarah
- 140928 | the maze runner with mary
- 141108 | established fy-taekook
- 150710 | trb and annie
- 150711 | karaoke with annie + popasia
- 150723-6 | sonya and zenlyn met
- 150918-20 | melb trip
- 150925 6:29pm | fytk hit 10k
- 151002 | the scorch trials with cathy and gina
- 160113-19 | melb trip with jenny
- 160120-0213 | vietnam
- 160211 | pets cafe with mary
- 160212 | sheraton with mary
- 160417 | karaoke, kbbq with zenlyn
- 161031 | met zoe irl
- 170527 | met cecilia irl
- 190319 | met khanh
- 190418 | kbbq, karaoke and sticker photos with cecilia and khanh
- 190420 | the font cafe , koi dessert with cecilia
sep 13 2015 ∞
may 14 2020 +