• like, the shotbar Espit Chupitos, they have like 504 different shot and at least half of those shot are putted on fire at the bar! I was completely wasted after a night in there XD
  • dislike, Sanne is not here : (, and I really miss her : (
  • like, it's really fun, nice people, nice foot, nice music, everything :)
  • dislike, the residence I'm living, my first room was shit, the room I'm in now is better, but they kick me out monday because they're going to reconstruct a lot of rooms here, and the rent is like 1200 euro's a month and I already paid for 3 months, so I'm angry at the school :@
  • like, the school, nice place, it's beautifull, brand new, good teachers, better then my old school in Holland :P
  • dislike, the kitchen in the residence, it's the worst kitchen ever, and as a cook, it's a nightmare, dirty, not working equipment, no blenders, no clean plates, nothing that I need to use, one pan actually caught on fire because it became to hot, luckily you make 3 steps and you're on the balcony, or else it would have gone very wrong
  • like, making pizza, pizza from the fridge in the supermercato (spanish for supermarket), just put it in the over (2 out of 3 are working), and in 10 minuts you have a pizza :D, and I ate it 3 times last week XD
sep 4 2010 ∞
sep 5 2010 +