dec 10 2023 ∞
mar 8 2024 +
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i am aware this list wont stop people from interacting, but this serves more as a list of boundaries/stances !

  • racist, colourist, xenophobic, sinophobic, anti semitic, believe white people can be oppressed for being white
  • zionist, pro isreal
  • misogynist, trans misogynist, swerf, think men can be oppressed for being men
  • homophobic, lesbiphobic, biphobic, aphobic, anti he/him lesbian, anti transmasc lesbian, anti she/her cinthean, anti transfem cinthean, pro mspec lesbian/cintheans, radical inclusionist, radqueer
  • transphobic, enbyphobic, transmed/truscum, radfem, terf/tehm, anti neopronouns, anti xenogender
  • ableist, anti self diagnosis, anti recovery, pro endogenic "systems"
  • proship, antianti, profiction, comship, think fiction doesnt affect reality
dec 10 2023 ∞
feb 18 2024 +
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  • my name is lain (ᜎᜒᜌ᜔ᜈ᜔)
  • i am visually impaired , do not send me flashing gifs or videos
  • minor !! please dont flirt with me
  • tag /eng okay ! planning on learning viet
  • multifandom + very multiship
  • i like to draw, read, and write !
  • — do not repost my work, always give credit
  • somewhat political, i am an anarcho-communist
  • pro palestine + anti zionist
  • — intersectional + marxist feminist

i try my best to be as friendly as possible ! feel free to shoot me a message ^o^

dec 11 2023 ∞
feb 18 2024 +