- Babeldom ~ A confused sound of voices.
- Bacchanal ~ Drunkard; reveller.
- Baisemain ~ Kiss on the hand.
- Balatron ~ Joker; clown.
- Balbutient ~ Stammering.
- Balderdash ~ Nonsense; a jumble of words.
- Bambosh ~ Deceptive nonsense.
- Barbigerous ~ Bearded; bearing a beard.
- Basiation ~ Kissing.
- Basorexia ~ An overwhelming desire to kiss someone.
- Beblubbered ~ Disfigured from weeping.
- Belgard ~ A kind or loving look.
- Berceuse ~ Lullaby.
- Bibulous ~ Addicted to alcohol.
- Bilious ~ Ill-tempered; very unpleasant.
- Bismer ~ Shame; disgrace; scorn.
- Blandiloquent ~ Speaking in a flattering or ingratiating manner.
- Blench ~ To shrink or flinch.
- Bletcherous ~ Pertaining to something poorly or disgusting designed.
- Blissom ~ Subject to or having strong sexual desires.
- Blype ~ Piece of skin the peels off after a sunburn.
- Boeotian ~ Stupid; dull.
- Bombosity ~ The buttocks.
- Borborology ~ Filthy talk.
- Borborygmus ~ The rumbling sound of gas passing through the intestine.
- Borné ~ Limited; narrow-minded.
- Boscage ~ Thick foliage; woodland.
- Boun ~ To prepare; to dress; to set out.
- Boustrophedon ~ Writing alternating left-right then right-left.
- Boutade ~ Sudden outburst.
- Boyg ~ A problem difficult to get to grips with.
- Brabble ~ To squabble or quarrel.
- Brachiation ~ Act of swinging by one's arms from place to place.
- Brackish ~ Saltish; very salty.
- Brackle ~ To break bread or cake into pieces.
- Brank ~ To prance; toss the head; to strut.
- Breedbate ~ Someone looking for an argument.
- Breme ~ Fierce; cruel; keen.
- Brevirostrate ~ Having a short nose.
- Brimborion ~ Worthless nonsense; trash.
- Brobdingnagian ~ Immense.
- Bromidrosis ~ Strong-smelling sweat.
- Brontide ~ The low rumbling of distant thunder.
- Brumous ~ Foggy; wintry.
- Bufotenine ~ Hallucinogen found in certain tropical toads.
- Bugaboo ~ Loud or empty nonsense.
- Bulimy ~ Extreme hunger.
- Bullyrag ~ To assault with abusive language; to badger.
- Burrole ~ An eavesdropper.
- Bushwa ~ Nonsense.
- Buss ~ Rude or playful kiss.
- Byssine ~ Silky; soft; having many threads.
feb 22 2016 ∞
feb 22 2016 +