Part 2: The Body, Container, Header and Footer
- ✔ 1 - Select the body selector in the CSS Styles panel, then click the pencil icon to edit.
- ✔ Type category
- ✔ Font-family: Choose a font-family if you would like a different font than Verdana.
- ✔ Font-size: To size down the standard font size, enter 90%.
- ✔ Background category
- ✔ Background-image: Browse to the images_body folder. Select a bodyBG image—there are six different colors for your choosing.
- ✔ Background-repeat: Set the background image to "repeat-x" so it tiles in a stripe across the top of the page.
- ✔ Background-color: Choose a background color to fill in the bottom part of the page.
- ✔ 2 - Edit the .container selector.
- ✔ Box category
- ✔ Width: Change the width to "800px".
- ✔ Background category
- ✔ Background-color: Delete the background color property, leaving it blank.
- ✔ 3 - Select the "Insert_logo" placeholder in the header div and hit Delete. With your cursor planted in the header div, open the Assets panel and insert the cupco_logo.png.
- ✔ Edit the .header selector.
- ✔ Background category
- ✔ Background-color: Delete the current background color of #ADB96E, leaving the field blank.
- ✔ Background-image: Browse to select the cupco_smile.png graphic in the images_logo folder.
- ✔ Background-repeat: Set to "no-repeat".
- ✔ Background-position (X): Choose "right" from the menu. This will align the smiley on the right side of the header div.
- ✔ Background-position (Y): Choose "center" from the menu. This will center the smiley vertically in the header div.
- ✔ 4 - Copy the information below and paste it into the footer div (deleting the filler "footer" text):
- ✔ THE COFFEE CUP COMPANY | 24087 MASON LANE| DETROIT, MI 48268 | P: 248-555-9778
- ✔ Edit the .footer selector.
- ✔ Background category
- ✔ Background-color: Delete the current background color of #CCC49F, leaving the field blank.
- ✔ Border category
- ✔ If you like, give the footer a top or bottom border to set it apart from the content area. Choose a border style, width, and color.
may 7 2011 ∞
may 19 2011 +