- ✔ re-link the Flash animation at the top of the page
- ✔ fix the rollover navigation bar
- ✔ repair the links on the photos page
- ✔ Darren's name is spelled wrong
- ✔ Write a critique of the original Killer Flamingos Web site you just worked on. In two to three paragraphs, describe at least three aspects of the site that you feel are not effective (from a visual and/or functionality perspective) and explain why. Also comment on the aspects that you feel are effective and do not need revision.
- ✔ Using the skills you've learned in the course and the ideas you identified in your critique, put together a new home page design.
- Choose a CSS layout that fits your design concept.
- Dreamweaver CS5 users: Go to File > New to select a CSS starter page layout.
- ✔ The Flash SWF file of the TV has an orange background color in the original design. If the orange background doesn't blend in with your new color scheme, you can insert the tv_animated.gif from the images_tv directory instead.
- ✔ The curved table border graphics also have orange backgrounds. If you want to use curved borders in your new design concept, you'll need to recreate the graphics. You'll find the original curved graphics in the images_bg directory if you want to see how they are put together.
- ✔ It is only required to build the home page for your redesign. However, you can go the extra mile and build the sub pages if you like.
- ✔ When your site is finished, open your index.html file and add a links to Parts 1 and 2 of this assignment:
- ✔ Part 1: Link to the main frameset page in the flamingos directory, frameset.html.
- ✔ Part 2: Link to your redesigned homepage.
- ✔ Publish your project using Dreamweaver's FTP feature.
- ✔ Insert a given Flash movie into a Web site design and set its properties appropriately, attach an external style sheet to the contactus.html page, and accurately correct all rollover and frame targeting errors in the navigation.
- ✔ Use Spry tooltips to create a photo gallery.
- ✔ Accurately correct misspellings using the Find and Replace command on the complete site.
- ✔ Critique the site, identifying at least three areas for improvement. Redesign the site to meet the functional and/or visual needs identified in your critique, altering the layout structure, navigation, color scheme, graphics, or other features.
may 26 2011 ∞
jun 3 2011 +