Grading Criteria:
- What your instructor expects you to do:
- ✔ Create a hand drawing of four given letterforms on grids, showing attention to the specific details of rendering each character and the differences between the two typefaces.
- ✔ Present a hand drawing of a single solid letterform (not script) on a grid, labeled to demonstrate your understanding of several of the different elements of typography such as (but not limited to): baseline, descender, ascender, x-height, arm, ear, stem, and counter.
- ✔ Make five rubbings of raised or carved type and report on the the location, material, circumstances, and visual qualities of each.
- ✔ Write a 150-200 word report on the most significant rubbing example that clearly indicates additional details about the type including who designed/created it (if known), where and when the piece is from, what its purpose is, and some anatomical characteristics of the face used.
How to Post:
- ✔ Once you're done, go to the Dropbox for this exercise and attach your files (as PDFs or JPEGs) with a brief comment.
- Include the following in your Dropbox posting:
- ✔ 1. The four-letter exercise grids
- ✔ 2. The show-and-tell exercise grid with anatomy markup
- ✔ 3. 5 rubbings
- ✔ 4. (If possible) a photograph clearly showing the letters on the object of your favorite rubbing find
- ✔ 5. Your 150-200 report on your rubbings and your brief description of the grid findings (in the body of the Dropbox message)
- I look forward to seeing your work!
- If you have a question before sending your completed exercise for grading, use the Send Mail area to contact your instructor.
jun 26 2011 ∞
jul 2 2011 +