• I still haven't figured out my hair
  • ditto my skin, which is still So Oily.
  • I work in retail. Not even as a manager.
  • I have no savings.
  • I can't cook because I am too scared of setting oven fires
  • I still have no idea what I want to be when I grow up
  • I still can't figure out whether I want kids or not
  • I hate making phone calls. Or even taking them.
  • I have over five thousand unread emails in my in-box.
  • I have a terrible, baseless fear of bees
  • I throw occasional temper tantrums
  • the idea of doing taxes scares me
  • my room is always a mess
  • I get a crush on every halfway intelligent man I meet.
jun 23 2012 ∞
feb 5 2018 +