Good things:

  • "Kafka on the Shore", meeting Kate last weekend, eastern market, that spicy tuna sandwich, chai tea, re-watching "Arrested Development, the way em says "good morning" to me on her better days, the perfume of old books, my grandma and the fact that she is starting to find happiness again, my english teacher's quirky comments, only four classes tomorrow, raw almonds, feeling the sun kiss my short-wearing legs, hb boxers, julia stone's "This Love", Laura's new album announcement, wandering the halls singing "Postcards from Italy" with the girl you fancy, M. Ward, Bombay Bicycle Club, "hunter's hearts" mix, England in four and half months, senior projects in a little bit over in two months, the prospect of getting my film developed this weekend, e.f.j's solo project, the word "likely" in context of my ee letter, cute tea mugs, a future of simplicity and recycling old clothes and acquiring a new wardrobe for university, etc.

Bad things:

  • missing paige so much that it hurts, the bloody mess my upper gums have become from a lack of care.
mar 1 2012 ∞
mar 1 2012 +