• Always, always, ALWAYS take the opportunity to be kind and compassionate! Don't be afraid to give total strangers compliments. Kindness, love, and laughter are contagious. Spread it far and wide!
  • Be empathetic. If someone upsets or annoys you, do your best to empathize for them. Instead of derision and judgement, give help and love. Be understanding instead of angry. Don't be difficult but supportive.
  • Do what makes you happy. Pet a dog. Connect with nature. Volunteer.
  • Understand that part of the reason you incarnated onto this Earth is to have fun and experience all the wonders it has to offer. The second part is fulfilling your life's purpose.
  • You'll know you're living your life's purpose when you experience happiness, joy, fulfillment, and excitement. Doors of opportunities will open and the climb will seem effortless.
  • Start humming in public!
  • Release toxic and negative people. You can give love and comfort but it's not your job to sink down to their level of depression to constantly provide personal power, confidence, and self-esteem.
  • Be grateful. Think "At least I can.." or "At least I have..".
  • If you truly want something, go get it. If you don’t have something you think you want, look at the price you have to pay to get it and admit you’re not willing to pay the price. There is no shame in deciding to leave it be. When you really want it, like really really want it, you will have it. Until then practice acceptance.
  • Work hard and smart. Avoid debt at all costs.
  • Love. Try to infuse love and happiness into everything you do.
  • Use the power of expectation to change your life. Infuse desire with expectation.
  • Don't restrain the soul.
jul 28 2019 ∞
aug 27 2019 +