- its sunday
- and i must explain my weekend from friday to today.
- friday: failed math test, after school went home, potbellys with allie and nicky and i got hit on like 5 times and it was cute.
- then i got gas with mom and went to cvs and got more hair dye
- then nickys, sydni and macy redyed my hair.
- its darker now:)
- people came over. got piss drunk.
- timmy came. sydni and adam had sex. timmy and me. macy and seth. nicky and joe. allie and leor. (just hook up)
- then the gals and leor slept over.
- oh also earlier me and nicky cut ourselves in the bathroom lol but i did a looot more than she did and everyone saw and it was terrible
- we got mcdonalds at 2am and met wooton people theree..
- mark gentles gave me his cup ahahahha
- saw ethan and spencer d there.
- then saturday me macy and emily got panda exxpress for breakfast.
- then dad put this converter in my car.
- then i went to kents with allie and nicky
- we got starbucks and giuseppis
- then i went to italian pines later with my parents
- then i went to macys dads and we watched friends with benefits.
- then today mom had an intese convo with the boys about stuff...
- then chase left.
- then i went to michaels to get poster
- then i went to sewits with jocelyn to work on our psych project which was so hardd
- then we got pizzaaaaa
- then i came home had some soup
- just did some hw
- have a psych TEST tomorrow
- have a shitton of shit to do tomorrow
- timmmy and i are having like the saddest convo right now about moving on
- and ive been sobbing for an hour. i cant even deal with it anymore...
- like this sadness has swallowed up my life and refuses to let me be happy.. and im just out of it.
- im going to bed now though. otjridng bye
jan 8 2012 ∞
jan 8 2012 +