I guess I'm making this list because I'm feeling inadequate in the "doing things" department. Maybe this is my 2010 list? New decade list?
- Go rollerblading more
- Get my dad's bike to fit me! (seemingly impossible)
- When I finally have a working bike, join a bike club.. maybe NYCC
- Take a fun class (maybe acting, kick boxing, salsa, yoga)
- Join a volunteering group
- Travel somewhere else to volunteer teaching English or anything I can help someone else learn... but really I would be learning from that experience
- Go to Rochester and visit Steph soon!
- Go to DC, Boston, and Philly for a day or two
- Write in my journal more
- Join a gym... after graduation
- Go out to lunch more often!
- Get dressed up and go out more often!
- Travel somewhere new
- Go on more walks
- Sit outside and relax.. when it's nice out
- Help more people, I feel like I help no one but myself! :(
- Maybe attend Mass every once and a while
- Take more deep breaths
- Do some more crunches!
- Schedule in fun things and look forward to them
jan 26 2010 ∞
jan 26 2010 +