beth, she/her, 20↑

Japanese and translations

Dancing is also my hobby/my only means of exercising

  • ballet, contemporary and jazz casually
  • this is why i tweet So You Think You Can Dance (US) annually
  • Travis Wall and Sonya Tayeh are gods

Weeb music

  • i play the violin, self-learning piano
  • at random times i'd analyse music and upload chords and stuff.
  • the reason why i delete music stuff i upload is because i'm too embarrassed and i'm not satisfied with them.
  • maybe i should archive them somewhere for open access but it also sounds dodgy.
  • i pretend i know music; my highest qualification is doing well in a casual music subject in Year 12.
  • i use MuseScore, Sibelius
may 23 2017 ∞
apr 2 2022 +