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My name is Ruben. I fly and shoot laser beams from my eyes. If you see me, get out of my way. I'm probably going to kill an evil sorcerer or something. And I get really PO'd at evil sorcerers, so if you tripped me or something, I would have to take my time to give you a lecture on getting out of my way, which is never enjoyable for anyone because meanwhile, a city is being destroyed. Yeah, so get ...

s. n.
books (2024)
listography GIVE MEMORIES
  • There is no proof for a reason for life, so it is pointless unless you decide to believe something that has no proof, which is fine.
  • Everyone is a little bit racist. It's true!
  • Everything is what you believe it to be.
  • Society is like a trend someone started a while ago and even though it never gets old, it's never satisfying.
  • All people are normal. If a person thinks that they are not normal, it is because they don't want to be normal, but if they think that they are normal, the person should realize that 'normal' means having similarities, but also differences.
  • It always helps to, physically, look up.
  • If a person is always looking on the bright side of life, they could get lost there.
  • It's healthy to see oneself from another person's point of view sometimes.
  • Awkwardness is only a reaction to strange behavior, which is only made strange because it is unknown and is hard to deal with.
  • Submitting to ignorance is good for the moment, but being truly ignorant is too blissful. It is beneficial to know the truth.
  • Understanding can be overwhelming.
  • There is no good or bad. The negatives and positives are only what a person makes of them.
nov 25 2008 ∞
nov 25 2008 +