With all these videos, please do take your time to stream the videos in their official channels! That's the only way that broadcast stations/channels will know that we appreciate Jinyoung contents, so that they will keep these contents coming! :)

  • (DINGO) Shopping with Flower Intern GOT7 Jinyoung

official,eng official 2 ---> Jinyoung calling you noona!

  • (DINGO) What if GOT7 interns worked with you? (with Jackson) official 1 official 2 ---> fluffy Jinson
  • (DINGO) Happy Photo Studio official official eng ---> RECOMMENDED if you're having a hard time
  • (V LIVE) Zone! Zealous!: The Gang of Pretty Boys (GOT7 Jinyoung) LINK ---> Jinyoung being pretty
  • (V LIVE) (FULL) GOT7 Jin-Young's LieV - GOT7 진영의 눕방 라이브!LINK ---> very calming, heartfelt talk with Jinyoung
  • (V LIVE) 진영의 "감성" 하드캐리해! LINK ---> note: Jinyoung reading you books /// I recommend this if you're having a hard time, watch to cry it all out!
  • Jinyoung's Ceci Korea Live youtube
  • MBC's body talk interview dailymotion
  • My Little Prince Audiobook
apr 20 2018 ∞
oct 5 2018 +