• You're a extremist
  • You're a pedophile/MAP/Whatever you people call yourselves
  • You're a SJW/Anti-SJW/Alt-Left/Alt-Right
  • You're Tucute or Transtrender (You believe you don't need Dysphoria to be trans)
  • You think you can choose to be LGBT+ (You really can't, no matter what you think)
  • You think that a bisexual person dating someone of the opposite sex makes them straight
  • You're a communist (By the way, Socialism is a form of communism)
  • You're a nazi
  • You think fiction is reality (It's not. How many times did we debunk this?)
  • You think anyone who supports the president deserves no respect (I don't give a damn about who you support, that's the dumbest thing to harm people over)
  • You're factkin
feb 12 2019 ∞
feb 12 2019 +