• star tends to block people we come across who make it obvious they post megastar, windscream, or the forged/etc stuff in taao as a means of best avoiding the content. it's nothing personal. this usually depends on how open you are on sharing the topics or if we happen to actually see it from you.
  • we don't mind getting a DM to clear things up if you aren't sure about anything you or I post, or even a message from a friend on your behalf if you need.
  • megastar isn't a dealbreaker! I have friends and mutuals on different levels of handling it and we get along great. just please be wary if you do follow me, and maybe never follow my vent if you can't handle negativity about it. Still, we do not want to see megastar, windscream, and the "forged" design ever. ESPECIALLY the last two. in any setting. in any context. I block.

jul 6 2018 ∞
aug 21 2018 +