fall '10
- ART100 - art history 100: ancient art to the early renaissance with writing with bedell
- CLCV110 - first year seminar: archaeology and artifacts with burns
- FREN201 - second-year french with tranvouez
- PHYS103 - physics of marine mammals with ducas
spring '11
- ART101 - art history 101: renaissance through modern art
- CLCV104 - classical mythology with gilhuly
- CS110 - computers & the internet with shaer/lee
- FREN202 - second-year french with tranvouez
fall '11
- ARTH203 - near eastern art and architecture with cassibry
- CAMS101 - intro to cinema & media studies with ford
- CAMS200 - film & media theory with bluher
- ENG355 - british cinema & english literature with tyler
spring '12
mar 31 2011 โ
jan 1 2015 +